Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 2024年5月16日 · The YouTuber, who is also known as Toyz, was detained in 2021 when he was suspected of having supplied vaping cartridges to a group of marijuana users. The Supreme Court rejected his final appeal against the prison sentence last month.

  2. 2024年5月4日 · 第17屆台北101垂直馬拉松世界冠軍賽於今(4)日早上盛大舉辦,來自世界各國的每位跑者挑戰極限運動的自我,登上台北101的91層樓,完成2046階、垂直高度390公尺的爬階馬拉松,在這場比賽中全力以赴,成為自己的冠軍。

  3. 2024年4月26日 · Taiwan News is the most widely visited English-language portal for news about Taiwan, offering the outside world a revealing look at all things Taiwan All Foreign Affairs Cross-strait

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — One of Taiwan’s most famous internet celebrities, Chao-ge (超哥) from the YouTube channel Superpie, was arrested after attacking a well-known gamer from Hong Kong, known as Toyz, on Saturday (Jan. 20) night in Taipei.

  6. The YouTuber, also known as Toyz, was detained in 2021 when police in Taichung City tracked down the supplier of a group of marijuana users. After admitting his part and providing information about his sources, Lau was released on bail of NT$1.5 million (US$.

  7. 2024年3月30日 · 溫潤身. 台灣英文新聞-時評. 972. 2024年春節之後,台灣相繼爆發重大食安危機事件,先是大批辣椒粉被檢出含致癌物蘇丹紅,接著是小林製藥含毒素的紅麴原料遭台灣保健品大廠採用並販售多年,現傳疑有台灣消費者長期食用致腎功能異常,不消數日,寶林茶室 ...

  8. 2024年4月30日 · TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwanese esports player Lin “ET” Chia-hung (林家弘) won the Evolution Championship Series (EVO) Japan King of Fighters XIV championship on Sunday (April 28), taking home 1 million yen (NT$200,000).

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