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  1. 奮起湖住宿 相關

  2. 一直保證最低價格,先訂後付幫你慳更多! 我們全天候為你提供協助,出走都唔會注定一人! ...

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  1. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

  2. 你訂機票,訂飯店房間。. 大致上來說,. make a reservation at a restaurant; you make a booking with a travel agency or with a hotel, 你向餐廳預訂座位,你跟旅行社預定或跟飯店預定住宿. with accommodations, any type of accommodation. Speaking of, accommodations are hotel, motel, 或預約任何一種形式的 ...

  3. B1 中級 中文 旅行 行李 短語 護照 預算 時差 BBC學英文10分鐘系列:27 個有關「旅行」的單字和表達! (The Vocabulary Show: Travel Learn 27 words and expressions

  4. A2 初級 中文 德國 學生 大學 學期 教育 柏林 想去德國留學嗎?想當德國的國際學生這些事情你應該要知道! (Studying in Germany: What international students should know

  5. Check out is the process of paying your bills and leaving the hotel after your stay. 退房,就是在你要結束住宿時,付帳單和離開飯店的這個過程. Room service is ordering something brought to your room. Things like coffee, food, drinks, etc. 客房服務,就是點一些像是咖啡、食物和酒之類的東西,並送 ...

  6. NUMBER 3: Stay healthy. 數字3:保持健康. You need to be strong and healthy for your next travel. 你需要強身健體,為你的下一次旅行做準備。. Eat healthy, take vitamins, drink enough, sleep well, exercise, and practice mental strength. 健康飲食,補充維生素,喝足水,睡好覺,鍛鍊身體,練好精神 ...

  7. 如您所知,現在輪到歐洲成為這一流行病的中心了,這一次聽起來很奇怪,我決定回到歐洲. I will explain in this video why I had to make that decision. 我將在此視頻中解釋為什麼我必須做出這個決定。. When this whole virus first broke out in China, of course my family and friends here in Europe ...

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