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  1. So why are weddings so expensive? 為什麼辦婚禮會這麼昂貴呢? The wedding website "The Knot" surveyed thousands of its members and found that the average cost of their weddings was thirty-one thousand dollars last year. 婚宴網站 The Knot 調查自家網站中的幾千位成員後發現,他們去年婚禮的平均花費大約在 31,000 美元。 That's not including honeymoon. 蜜月旅行的花費還不包含在這些錢中。

  2. 影片播放. I'm at an age where all of my friends are settling down and getting married and having kids. 在我這個年紀,身邊的朋友們都已經陸續安定下來,結婚生子了。 And every time I hear the news, "I'm getting married!" 而每當我聽到這樣的消息:「我要結婚了! Though I say, "Congratulations!" 雖然我嘴上會說:「恭喜! All I can think is, "What's wrong with me?" 但我腦中只想著:「我到底有什麼問題? Why isn't anyone proposing to me?

  3. 亞洲首富安巴尼之子前派對盛大舉辦! 蕾哈娜、比爾蓋茲等國際名流齊聚印度世紀婚禮! (WATCH Rihanna Perform at Lavish Indian Pre-Wedding Ceremony)

  4. 【VoiceTube 挑戰 #30日歌單 】 Day 14 – 想在婚禮上播的歌 紗、西裝搭配亞當的臉龐 噢,小V 不行了,直接被沖「」頭了! 如果不能跟 Adam Levine 結婚 也要在婚禮上無限循環這首歌 #亞當嫂是小V #他本人看的到嗎嗚嗚 你們的婚禮上會播哪首浪漫金曲呢?

  5. Hi Neil. 我是丹,今天加入我的是尼爾。 嗨,尼爾。 Neil: Hi there, Dan. 尼爾:你好,丹。 Dan: You're a married man, Neil. When you were wed, 丹:你是個已婚男人,尼爾。 當你結婚的時候。 did your wife change her family name? 你老婆改姓了嗎? Neil: Yes she did. 尼爾:是的,她做到了。 Dan: Was that her choice? 丹:這是她的選擇嗎? Neil: Oh yes. She didn't like her old name, 哦,是的。 她不喜歡她以前的名字。 so for her it was a win-win.

  6. But our first spot is a, is a shrine here is actually the middle of Tokyo and has a nice mixture of old and new with the temple grounds and the cityscape right above it. 但我們的第一個景點是一個,是一個神社,這裡實際上是東京的中心,有一個很好的新舊混合的寺廟場地和它上面的城市景觀。. We ...

  7. 45768 3422. Bruce Chen 發佈於 2014 年 02 月 24 日. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:羅密歐,茱麗葉,救救,爹地,王子,公主,故事,孤單,年紀,紗,陽台,燈火,漣漪 ...

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