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  1. 英文-居家日常生活照護指導-身體正確的姿勢與移動. 1. 使上身稍高時,可用各種墊子、大枕頭、棉被等放置於身下以墊高上半身,並於足部給予適當支托。. Use all kinds of mattresses, large pillows, quilts etc. to place under beneath body to lift upper body higher and give foot area with ...

  2. › 衛教園地 › 外語版外語版 | 林新醫院

    10 Hal yang harus diketahui agar pasien tidak jatuh. 越南. 10 Dieu can ve phong ngua te nga. (2) 鼻胃管的照護 (2024/04/25) 英文. Nasogastric tube care. 印尼. Penjagaan pipa nasogastricc. 越南.

  3. Urine catheter of home care. 英文-留置導尿管的居家照護. 目的:. Purpose: 加強清潔外陰部及消毒導尿管,減少異味,增加舒適感、預防感染。. To strengthen genitals cleaning and catheter disinfection in order to reduce odor, increase comfort and prevent infection. 每日執行1~2 次尿管護理(以 ...

  4. 吞嚥訓練步驟. 在安靜的環境用餐,讓病人能將注意力集中在進食上。. 協助坐起60~90度,以枕頭放頭後,毛巾放於臉頰下,維持舒適的進食姿勢。. 讓其親眼看到食物,增加食慾,促進消化液的分泌。. 重覆以口令動作以一小口食物餵食,請他吞嚥兩次進行 ...

  5. How to inject food through nasogastric tube. 英-如何由鼻胃管正確灌入食物. 原則及注意事項 Principles and Attention. 灌食前應先以下列方式確認胃管在正確的位置:. Make sure nasogastric tube located in the right position as decribed below before feeding: (1) 檢查鼻胃管的記號,應維持在護理師所 ...

  6. 外語版. -鼻胃管的照護. Nasogastric tube care. -鼻胃管的照護. 目的 Purpose. 固定鼻胃管,可預防滑脫及避免鼻腔發生潰瘍。 To fix a nasogastric tube to prevent the tube from slippage and to avoid nasal ulceration. 每日應至少做一次口腔及鼻腔護理。 Perform oral and nasal care at least one time per day. 檢查鼻胃管刻度 Check scales of the nasogastric tube. 以下列任一方式確定胃管是否仍在胃內:

  7. 10 things you must know to prevent falls. 1. 當您有服用安眠藥或感頭暈,血壓不穩時,下床應先坐在床緣,再由家屬扶下來。. If you take sleep pills or feel dizzy, or feel blood pressure is unstable, when you get up, first sit at the edge of bed, then let your family help you... 2. 當您需要任何協助而無 ...

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