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  1. 黃金投資 相關

  2. 貸款5步搞定!資金到位不卡關,線上試算超簡單,即時申辦快速撥款,實現夢想找『泰』幸福! 免保人免出門!5分鐘線上快速申貸,專人免費預約諮詢,創業、旅遊、結婚資金貸就補,線上試算!

  3. 信用小白、申貸退件、額度過低免煩惱!專業信貸規劃,送件前免收費,超過28,000個家庭成功核貸. 1對1諮詢,媒合60家銀行,幫助申貸人有效率的過件,工作滿3個月x有薪轉x有扣繳,3選1即可貸!


  1. This idea paper presents the outlines of a new concept that we are coining as “covestment”, an idea that we believe has the potential to transform the way sustainable enterprises and community projects are financed. Covestment refers to a highly collaborative, convivial, and community-based approach to the financing of new community enterprises.

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