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  1. 2009年10月28日 · Cook’s Man, Energy, and Society stands as one of the most complete books on the subject. Cook was concerned with the dangers associated with the apparent incompatibility of our society’s fervent, almost religious devotion to economic growth, and the fact that such growth was dependent upon a finite, nonrenewable stock of fossil fuel.

  2. Using the suppositions in The Flow of Energy in an Industrial Society – and aggregating the many years of work done on the subject of human energy consumption since, to confirm Cook’s basic premise – Morris published in 2010 a per-capita energy-capture

  3. Thermodynamics of Youthfulness - P2P Foundation. Contextual Quote. For Peter Pogany, in his book Rethinking the World, culture is thermodynamic, i.e. it expresses the availability of matter and energy, and the level of complexity of its organizational forms.

  4. 1 Definition. 2 Description. 2.1 Modification of Ownership Rights under Nondominium. 3 Characteristics. 4 Governance. 4.1 Nondominium and the Principles of Governance. 5 Examples. 5.1 Nondominium for land. 5.2 Nondominium for shared digital assets: The Bitcoin Network. 5.3 The Sensorica Custodian Trust. 6 Discussion.

  5. Metabolic Currency - P2P Foundation. = currencies based on energy. Description. Brian McConnell: "Metabolic currency, money denominated in or pegged to energy reserves, may make more sense in a highly mechanized economy because it’s rooted in the same physics that governs the machines.

  6. In a standard dominance hierarchy--as can be seen in all of our ape relatives (yes, even in bonobos)--a few individuals dominate the many. In a system of reverse dominance, however, the many act in unison to deflate the ego of anyone who tries, even in an incipient way, to dominate them.

  7. Reviewing Postformal Thinking. Gary Hampson: "Various modes of cognition or operations, types of thinking, qualities, features and/or characteristics have been identified in this discourse as, or pertaining to, postformal. These include: complexity, dialectics, creativity, imagination, $construct-awareness, problem-finding, reflexivity,