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  1. There's a heavy rain Stephen : Wow, you look like a drowned rat!Didn't you know there's a thunderstorm today? Justine: I knew there would be a shower, but I didn't realize it would rain cats and dogs today. Stephen : Well, you'd better take a hot shower right now, or you'll catch a cold.

  2. I have got a splitting headache!!! Caroline : Are you coming to the restaurant with us Judi? Judi : No, I'm sorry.I can't, I've got a splitting headache. I'm having one of my migraines. Caroline : Oh, you poor thing.Is there anything I can do? Judi : No, it's all right.I've taken

  3. 線上英文免費試讀課程,HiTutor線上外語家教提供您25分鐘免費試讀課程,由外籍老師一對一授課,集中式英文課程,增強您英文會話、聽力的捷徑,快來預約HiTutor免費試聽體驗

  4. 大甲 大甲鎮は台湾中部の沿岸地域に位置して、台中県の北西部に、大甲渓下流の北岸に位置しています。東は外埔郷と、西は台湾海峡及び大安郷と、南は大甲渓を挟んで清水鎮と、北は苗栗県 苑裡鎮と接している。 鎮内には大甲渓と大安渓が南部及び中部に流れています。