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  1. B1 中級 中文 以色列 基地 軍方 跑道 美國 空軍 伊朗空襲以色列,兩國是否會開戰、以色列會進行什麼後續行動? (Israel will respond to Iran attacks, Israeli official says)

  2. 伊朗週一開始在德黑蘭北部的墓地裡埋葬掉該國的一位頂級核科學家,伊朗高級官員說,一個反對派組織以及以色列政府都對上週殺機廠的嫌疑人是日。

  3. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

  4. Israel began bombing Gaza after Hamas killed 1,400 people and kidnapped more than 200 others on 7 October. 10 月 7 日,哈馬斯殺害 1,400 人並綁架 200 多人後,以色列開始轟炸加薩。. More than ten thousand Palestinians in Gaza have been killed by air and artillery strikes carried out by the Israeli military in response.

  5. 美國人在伊拉克殺死了伊朗支持的惡意行動分子,此前該分子襲擊了一個美軍空軍基地,而伊朗支持的胡塞武裝上個月繼續干擾紅海的國際航運。 The U.S. announcing an international effort to deter Houthi attacks , but in this region where I am very few countries willing to join that coalition to ...

  6. 不久,以色列國防軍將坦克開進該地區,用以色列國旗取代巴勒斯坦國旗。 This new offensive comes as ceasefire negotiations between Israel and the terror organization Hamas , which runs Gaza , have hit a snag .

  7. While Missiles Fly, Flights Land: How Israel’s Airport Stays Open | WSJ. Watch on. 影片播放. The morning of October 9th, fragments of a Hamas missile land less than a mile outside of Ben Gurion Airport, Israel's main international airport. 10 月 9 日上午,一枚哈馬斯飛彈碎片落在以色列主要國際機場本古里安機場 ...