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  1. 儘管他們的生物解剖學,因為Kayla的Sex和性別認同匹配,她被認為是CIS性別。. However, transgender people have a gender identity that doesn't match their assigned sex at birth. 然而,變性人的性別認同與他們出生時分配的性別不一致。. In Adam's case, he identifies as a trans man, even though his ...

  2. 影片播放. 00:01 KATIE: I couldn't imagine not having him in. my life in some way, friendship, relationship, um my butler or something, I don't know. 00:13 COMM: They've been champions of the transgender. community, Katie Hill and Arin Andrews both changed gender at the same time, leading to. romance between the young couple.

  3. 當我不回應。 她將我的手放在腰部. And made her smooth white shoulder bare, And all her yellow hair displaced, 移開她金黃的頭髮,裸露她光滑雪白的肩, And, stooping, made my cheek lie there, And spread, o'er all, her yellow hair, 屈身使我的臉龐能靠近,金黃色的髮披散. Murmuring how she loved me--she Too weak, for all her heart's endeavor, 碎語著她有多愛我。 她,太過軟弱,即使已用盡全力.

  4. 一名變性人告訴路透社,拜登週一的舉動給了他另一個變性人一個機會,再次加入軍隊,並補充說:這是一個巨大的解脫,這樣一個巨大的重量從我的肩膀上脫落。

  5. 那其實是蠟。. She... I had a fantastic makeup artist in this movie who did all the stuff from the bear mauling, and it was wax that she dribbled all over my face every day. 她... 這齣電影的化妝師很棒,跟熊打鬥的場景都是她負責的,然後她每天都往我整個臉上滴蠟。.

  6. Hey! You cry every time somebody talks about Titanic. 每次有人說起泰坦尼克號你就哭. Those two had only each other. 這兩個人只有彼此。 Phoebe really likes the bike. 菲比真的很喜歡這輛自行車。 Oh yeah! I saw her walking it down the street the other day. 哦,是的! 前幾天我看到她在街上走來走去的. She had the flowers in the basket. That was so cute. 她把花放在籃子裡。 太可愛了. Yeah.

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