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  1. 05:11. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:蔬菜,烤盤,橄欖油,番茄,高速,模具,烘烤,切成,醬汁,黃色,紅色,橘色,皮克斯,藍調,鹽巴,蒜頭,高湯,倉鼠,炒蛋,好過 ...

  2. 掰,祝你用餐愉快。. 字幕與單字. 已審核. B1 中級 中文 英國腔 義大利麵 大蒜 抽屜 醬料 胡椒 香腸. 會煮也要會說!. 廚房烹飪英語 (Real English: KITCHEN and COOKING Vocabulary) 32558 2427. Derek 發佈於 2015 年 06 月 22 日. 分享.

  3. After all, once you start using chopsticks, you'd naturally prefer smaller chunks of food that are easier to eat with said chopsticks. 畢竟,一旦你開始使用筷子,你自然會更喜歡小塊的食物。. 筷子更容易吃到的食物。. So in the end, knives moved from the table to the kitchen and chopsticks from the kitchen to ...

  4. A latte is espresso, steamed milk (which is basically hot milk), and a little bit of foam milk on top. 拿鐵。. 拿鐵咖啡由濃縮咖啡、蒸牛奶(即基本上是熱牛奶),再在上面加一點奶泡。. Cappuccino. A cappuccino is similar to a latte. It has espresso and steamed milk but it has a lot more foam milk compared to a ...

  5. Bariis is a dish which literally translates into rice. bariis 其實就是「飯」的意思. It has a lot of ways that it's made. 有很多種做法. Typically, it consists of rice, a bunch of spices, 通常有米飯、很多香料. and some type of meat on top. 和某種肉. Bariis is made by a lot of people in my family.

  6. 當然,這是不接受把你的肘部在桌子,而你的吃法. and in general you want to kind of keep your free hand on your lap. 一般來說,你要保持你的自由手在你的腿。. While you''re eating, but it is actually acceptable to put your elbows on the table. 當你''在吃東西的時候,但實際上是可以接受 ...

  7. ,請問這是月樂餐廳? Yes, it is. Will this side. How may I help you? 是的,它是。將這邊。有什麼可以幫你的? ... 的,我們已經預定了兩,每兩人,時間是6月27日,星期一下午4點。 Yes, thanks a lot. 是的,非常感謝。 You ...