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  1. What is the Stock Exchange and how does it work? 證券交易是什麼? 它又如何運作? The Stock Exchange is nothing more than a giant, globally networked, and organized market place where every day huge sums of money are moved back and forth. 證券交易就只是個連結全球、有組織的巨大市場,那裏每天都有大量的資金進進出出。

  2. 是指股市市值急遽下跌,往往會導致經濟蕭條。 The most devastating crashes are usually the result of an overly-inflated market, also known as a "bubble". 最具破壞性的的市場崩通常是市場過度膨脹的結果,也被稱為「泡沫」。 Investment bubbles occur when prices of market shares are driven upwards past their real value. 當股價被推高至超過其實際價值,就會出現投資泡沫。

  3. 讓我們來看看這一週在倫敦進行的交易. x1.0. 字幕與單字. B1 中級 中文 FinancialTimes 債券 日幣 歐元區 通膨 美元. 債券市場動盪不安|市場一分鐘 (Bond markets in turmoil | Market Minute) 29 1. Sabrina Hsu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 13 日. 分享. 影片單字. 篩選條件. 重點單字. aggressive. US /əˈɡrɛsɪv/ ・

  4. 華爾街日報首次報導可能提交申請的消息後Wework 股價週二在美國盤中下跌 32%。 The stock is down about 96% this year . 今年股價下跌了約 96%。

  5. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

  6. 你可以看到截至昨天的收盤價是45.09所以遠遠沒有達到他提出的54.20他在證券文件中確實說過他知道他是以溢價購買的但就你的觀點而言科技股最近受到了相當大的打擊twitter的股價現在接近45美元。. So does 54 20 still seemed like a great deal, a great price ...

  7. in mind on average most. agents touch their leads anywhere from 1. to three times before giving up. unfortunately for them. most sales don't happen until after 8. to 12 different touches so by giving up after 1-3 touch. it puts you at a disadvantage over those who are willing to touch their. prospects more frequently.

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