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  1. 2024年4月26日 · Millions of dollars might sound like a lot of money but there isn't an infinite supply and it won't last forever if you don't have a plan. 好幾百萬聽起來很多,但畢竟不是無限,若沒有好好規劃始終會花完。. 句子選自此影片: 想中樂透嗎?. 中了小心又破產!.

  2. 欸,你們都給我聽好,不知道你們注意到了沒,加州現在乾到不行阿 It looks like a trailer for the new “ Mad Max ” movie up in there . 那裏看起來就像是電影瘋狂麥斯的預告現場

  3. 我們 FIRE 群裡用的規則叫做「4% 守則」。 How much you have saved up versus how much that you need to spend. 也就是拿儲蓄金額和花費金額來做比較。 If it's 4% of it, then you can retire safely and never need to work again.

  4. 紐約一向是美國這個自由國度的重要門戶, The Reflecting Absence Memorial & Museum honors the 3,000 people who lost their lives on that darkest of September days . 但它也是一座狂歡之城,讓人盡享購物樂趣!

  5. But I never let that stop me from building the fifth largest food chain in the world. 但我從未讓這件事阻止我建立世界上第五大連鎖餐飲企業。. I am now the 232nd richest person in the United States with a net worth of $2.9 Billion dollars. 我現在是美國富人榜第 232 名,擁有 29 億美元的資本淨值。.

  6. 也許有天中了樂透、變成電影明星,或最終在對的地方和對的時間點,得到一生只有一次的機會。

  7. 影片播放. When I was 27 years old, 二十七歲時的我. I left a very demanding job in management consulting. 剛辭掉高要求的管理顧問一職. for a job that was even more demanding: teaching. 卻投入另一份要求更高的工作─教學. I went to teach seventh graders math in the New York City public schools. 我在紐約公立學校教授七年級的數學. And like any teacher, I made quizzes and tests. 就像一般老師一樣,我設計考試、測驗題.