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  1. Now the first. 是以,我們稱之為並聯電路。. 現在,第一個. time you look at a series and a parallel circuit when it's actually connected, there's some. 當你觀察串聯和並聯電路時,它們實際上是連接在一起的。. stuff that's not super intuitive. In other words there's some weird stuff that takes. 不是 ...

  2. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。

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  4. 你不知道的小事:為什麼充電器會這麼燙!. (Why your laptop charger is so hot) 使用充電器的時候,是否常常都會覺得充電器特別地燙?. 讓這部影片告訴你充電器發熱的原因,迅速了解直流電 (DC) 與交流電 (AC) 的區別以及關於電流的小歷史。.

  5. The 12 leads of the ECG represent 12 electrical views of the heart from 12 different angles. The conventional 12-lead procedure involves attaching 10 electrodes to the body: one to. each limb and six across the chest. There are 6 limb leads and 6 chest leads. The 6 limb leads look at the heart in a vertical plane and are obtained from three ...

  6. Watch on. 影片播放. Here's how to connect your airpods to a PC. 下面是如何將你的airpods連接到PC上。 To do this, make sure your airpods are charged. 要做到這一點,請確保您的Airpods已充電。 Click settings from the start menu. 單擊開始菜單中的設置。 Then click devices. 然後點擊設備。 Make sure that Bluetooth is switched to on click. 確保藍牙已切換到開啟狀態點擊。

  7. 句子選自此影片: TELUS分享物網如何改善日常生活 (TELUS shares how IoT improves everyday lives) 學習重點. 1. wristband 手腕帶(繞在手腕上的帶子,如手錶帶). wristband. [ˈrɪstˌbænd] (n.) 手腕帶(繞在手腕上的帶子,如手錶帶). 2. transmit 播送,發射,傳送(信號 ...

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