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  1. Unit 05 Having Fun Watching Movies Watching TV Reading Books Listen to Music Weekly Schedule Weekend Activities Entertainment - the pleasure of being entertained Watching movies Films Types of movies a. Horror or Scary movie e. War Movie f. Fantasy ...

  2. 程度測試預約專線 服務時間:週一至五 AM 9:00~PM 23:00 週六至日 AM 9:00~PM 21:00

  3. Intentions / Purpose Vocabulary Types of Goal Short-term goal: goal for a short period Ex. Saving money to buy things (cell phone, laptop, etc) Long-term goal: idealistic or goal for a longer time Ex. Looking for a stable job Questions 1. Why are you studying

  4. 線上英文免費試讀課程,HiTutor線上外語家教提供您25分鐘免費試讀課程,由外籍老師一對一授課,集中式英文課程,增強您英文會話、聽力的捷徑,快來預約HiTutor免費試聽體驗

  5. Complete the following statements My most expensive gadget is _____, but I still want to have_____. Whenever I am in the department store I am triggered to _____ because_____. If I have a mansion I will

  6. Vocabulary Wander - roam, rove, or stray Elegant - gracefully refined and dignified, as in tastes, habits, or literary style Go with - to keep or be in motion; function or perform as required Vendor - a person or agency that sells Spangle - a small, thin, often circular piece of glittering metal or other material, used esp. for decorating garments

  7. Unit 05 Shopping for fun Dialogue Vocabulary Expressions Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Complete the conversation with the statement with the sentences marked A-G below. Jason : Hi, can I help you? Sara : ___. Jason : ____. Sara : 38 and a half or 39. It depends ...

  1. 其他人也搜尋了