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  1. 宮崎駿動畫貓的報恩主題曲 英文版 (梁靜茹小手拉大手) (The Cat Returns-2002) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. If only I could be wherever you are. If only I could know what's on your mind. If only I could tell you what's on mine. If only I could show you how I feel. 如果我能在你身邊就好了如果我能知道你的心思。 如果我可以告訴你我的心事如果我可以告訴你我的感覺。 If only you would look my way just this once.

  2. 貓咪的真心話竟然是… (What your cat really thinks of you.) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Okay, you can pat my belly now, please. Thank you. 好,你現在可以摸摸我的肚子了。 謝啦! (Your cat is judging you) (你的貓對你有意見) No, you're doing it wrong. You're patting my belly wrong. 不對! 不是這樣! 不是這樣摸的! Can you please just...? Okay, stop, stop, stop! 你可不可以…? 算了,停、停、停下來! Why are you so bad at this?

  3. 但為什麼會這樣呢?. He asks psychology student and proud cat owner Julia why the furry little creatures are so popular. 他問心理學學生驕傲的貓咪主人茱莉亞為什麼這些毛茸茸的小動物如此受歡迎?. Julia explains that virality often depends on emotionally compelling content. 朱莉婭解釋說 ...

  4. Five ways to make friends with your cat. 5 種跟貓咪交朋友秘訣. Everyone knows that cats are the most illogical and unpredictable pets. 大家都知道是最無邏輯又難以預測寵物。 Can you work out what's going through that furry little head? 你能了解那顆毛茸茸小腦袋在想什麼嗎? However, cats have their language. 然而,有自己語言。 And if you learn it, there's a chance you'll understand them much better.

  5. If you want a little demon like this guy, they're out there. 如果你想要的是像這傢伙一樣的小惡魔,你也能順利找到。. There're so many cats in shelters that need homes, so if you can, you should foster them or adopt them. 流浪動物之家裡有非常多的貓咪需要溫暖的家如果可以的話就去領養 ...

  6. 此影片沒有單字. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:GreatBigStory,貓咪,拯救,照料,避難所,好好,男人,空間,領養,生命,過分,新奇,環遊,平方,算了,夠多,臥室,陪伴 ...

  7. VoiceTube 看影片學英語|用最實用有趣的影音,線上學英文!

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