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  1. Newtalk新聞 自今年2月1日起,中國學生來台將與外籍生及僑生一樣,可以加入全民健康保險。陸委會發言人詹志宏今(18)日)表示,目前各項準備工作 ...

  2. Sam透露,2023下半年起,TutorABC陸續推出多元課程,以語言證照及專業考試為兩大主軸,包括雅思IELTS、多益TOEIC、托福TOFEL、全民英檢GEPT等等。

  3. A witness, one Isah AbdulGaniu from Okene Local Government Area, who said he was a fashion designer, also noted that he was neither a member of the SDP nor polling agent and denied knowledge of ...

  4. 2023年8月8日 · 接下來,她還規劃要參加英文檢定TOEIC和GEPT及國際日本語能力檢定GLPT-N1的考試,培養更扎實的專業能力,期能有助於未來的職涯發展。

  5. The Nasarawa State Government has denied any attack on the secretariat of the Governorship Election Petition Tribunal (GEPT).

  6. Protests have broken out in Akwanga and some other parts of Nasarawa State over the judgment of the Governorship Election Petition Tribunal (GEPT) in Lafia.

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