Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. The Tokyo Women’ s Medical University Yachiyo Medical Center (TYMC) was opened in 2006 as a high-performance hospital which can provide acute-phase medical care. The philosophy of the TYMC is the “rapport between reliable heart-warming medical care for the local community and our acute-phase/high-performance/advanced medical care.”

  2. After several decades, Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital, located in Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, is now an advanced state-of-arts hospital with 1,423 beds (as of September 2004). The hospital has a dedicated staff of 6,358, comprising 1,775 doctors, 1,684 nurses, 735 medical technicians, and 2,164 logistics personnel.

  3. 新宿区。 医学部、看護学部、看護専門学校のキャンパスライフや国際交流、入学案内、入試情報など、東京女子医科大学に関する情報を掲載しています。

  4. Tokyo Women’s Medical University Graduate School of Medical Science. 8-1 Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8666. Tel: +81-3-3353-8112 ext. 31126. Fax: +81-3-5269-7401.

  5. YOSHIOKA Yayoi, the founder of Tokyo Women’ s Medical University, adopted the concept of the primary mission of Tokyo Women’ s Medical School as the founding spirit when she newly established Tokyo Women’ s Medical College (TWMC) in 1952.

  6. 概要. 東京女子医科大学・先端生命医科学研究所は、昭和44(1969)年5月1日に、“医用技術研究施設”として、初代施設長・三浦茂教授のもとに発足した。 昭和51(1976)年5月に櫻井靖久教授が施設長に就任し、施設名を医用工学研究施設に改め、今日の基盤を築いた。 平成11(1999)年4月には岡野光夫教授が施設長を引き継ぎ、平成13(2001)年4月、大学院医学研究科に先端生命医科学系専攻を新設すると同時に施設名を現在の名称に改めた。 また平成20(2008)年4月より「東京女子医科大学・ 早稲田大学連携先端生命医科学研究教育施設 (通称TWIns)」に居を構え、医学・理学・工学のさらなる融合により生命医科学研究を推進する体制を確立した。

  7. Gynecology. Overview. At the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Tokyo Women's Medical University, three hospitals, Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital, Adachi Medical Center, and Yachiyo Medical Center, are working as a team to provide medical treatment, research, and education.

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