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  1. Although some of the popular fundamental belief systems in this movement encourage aggressive behaviors in activists against perceived enemies, Akanbi’s theme of practicing open-hearted immediacy and embracing the humanity of people who belong to groups we have deemed “the enemy” is as timely as ever.

  2. 2020年2月4日 · Notably, Andrew Feenberg describes “operational autonomy” as a facet of capitalist ownership that incorporates autonomous potential into organisation, machinic, and workflow processes: Operational autonomy is the power to make strategic choices among alternative rationalizations without regard for externalities, customary practice, workers ...

    • Description
    • The Concept of Commonism as Introduced by Nick Dyer-Witheford
    • Discussion

    Christian Siefkes: "Nick Dyer-Witheford (2007) has proposed the term Commonism for a society where the basic social form of production are the Commons (while in capitalism, commodities are the basic social form). As the success of commons-based peer production shows, commons and peer production go together very well. We can therefore expect peer pr...

    "One of the more sustained renditions of a new commons is the notion of ‘commonism’ elaborated by Dyer-Witheford (2006, 2007), who, in a number of articles has sought to promote the concept of commonism as a way to avoid the bad history of authoritarian state communism, while, at the same time, providing an antidote to centralised planning and the ...

    Commonism as Ideology and an Aesthetic of the Real

    Pascal Gielen: "‘Commonism is not a narrow-minded one-party ideology. Just as the Rhineland and neoliberal model it could shape society though and in that respect it is political ideological in nature, or perhaps we could say it is ‘meta-ideological’, as it accommodates multiple party political ideas.’ – Gielen & Lijster, 2015 Every ideology is good at hiding the fact that it is one. That’s what makes it an ideology. To paraphrase Mark Fisher (2009): Every ideology claims realism. So it claim...

    A critique of commonism

    The Other Spiral: "Rather than address these problems head-on, the commonists tend to give us an overly-optimistic portrait of how socialism is spontaneously arising out of capitalism, and is just around the corner (luckily we don’t have to figure out how it will work!). The article “The Emergence of Benefit-driven Production” by Von Christian Siefkes is very much indicative of this intellectual tendency, which is utopian and best, and dishonest at worst. Christian Siefkes combines the work o...

  3. 2018年1月5日 · Description Marco Morelli: "Resonate focuses on indie musicians and has come up with innovative "stream to own" model that's a lot more generous to the artists, while at the same time enabling the "free" streaming that we're used to from Spotify. The big ...

  4. That conceptual frame is the Chthulucene. Both the Anthropocene and Capitalocene are seen as lending themselves “too readily to cynicism, defeatism, and self-certain and self-fulfilling predictions” (Haraway, 2016b). The Chthulucene, alternatively, is “made up of ongoing multispecies stories and practises of becoming-with in times that ...

  5. The P2P learning system and production. Meanwhile, in parallel with the growth of the commons, another important evolution in the P2P mode of production is the appearance of a true “P2P learning system” and a “P2P theoretical research system.”.

  6. San Pisith is a Buddhist Monk and an Early Stage Researcher at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance. He has joined the Cosmolocalism project since September 2019 to pursue a Ph.D. at TalTech, Estonia. His Ph.D. thesis focuses on Buddhist Economics, Buddhist Governance, Commons, and Happiness and Public Purpose.

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  2. 分手後,一味的死纏爛打只會讓對方更加遠離你,情感專家教你三招,讓他主動提復合. 被分手後每天以淚洗臉,放不下他? 試試利用這招, 讓他後悔分手,主動來挽回你

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