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  1. › tag › 나비잠나비잠 | Music Rambling

    Buzz, 나비잠, 민경훈, 버즈, 기타 코드, Guitar Tab, Heechul, 슈퍼주니어, 희철, kpop, Min Kyung Hoon, music, Super Junior, Sweet Dream, 吉他谱 2 Comments Although not one of the main vocalists in Super Junior, I’ve always thought that Heechul can hold his own in singing.

  2. 2016年1月16日 · 별이 뜬다 (romanised: Byeori tteunda), or "Stars Appear...", is one of the songs on Super Junior's 10th anniversary special album. The song's acoustic arrangement consisting simply of piano, guitars and drums gives it a warm vibe. The song starts off softly, and ...

  3. 2016年12月24日 · It seems to have been a while since Shinhwa’s last album. Last month, they came back with Part 1 of their two-part thirteenth album, “Unchanging”. Part 2, “Touch”, will be released on 3 January 2017. There are five tracks on “Unchanging”. 별, or Like A Star, is

  4. 2019年11月22日 · Having been to four Super Shows before this sixth one, I feel a sense of familiarity with Super Junior's concerts. On the other hand, the guys never fail to throw up surprises with each Show, or even at each stop. Most notably, it's always fun at a Super Show! Here

  5. 2020年6月16日 · I have seen his name bandied around before but did not check Park Hyo Shin out until middle of this year. My initiation to Park Hyo Shin then? His wildly popular song from 2014, Wild Flower. Fast forward to last week. His song, Wild Flower, was performed by yet

  6. 2013年4月19日 · The Legend Continues. And Shinhwa showed just why at their 15th anniversary concert in Korea. (Yes, I managed to get a ticket to the second night of the concert on 17 March 2013.) From the technical set-up to the music to the performance, the concert was very ...

  7. 2021年5月23日 · 2 months ago RT @SJofficial: SUPER JUNIOR The 11th Album Vol.2 [The Road : Celebration] 'Celebrate' MV Teaser #2 📍 🎧 2022.12.1… 3 months ago I got the chords for #SuperJunior's Mango down quite a while back. Attending gave me