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  1. Description E.B. Boyd: "Airbnb pioneered the model that now allows regular people to open up their homes to paying guests--to act as a new strain of hotel, as it were. The Airbnb business represented a totally new market. While there's long been a brusque ...

    • Bibliographic Citation
    • Introduction
    • Summary
    • Contents
    • Excerpts
    • Reactions to The Report

    Bauwens, M., Mendoza, N. & Iacomella, F., 2012. Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy, P2P Foundation. Available at:

    David Bollier: "For anyone scratching their head about how to understand the deeper social and economic dynamics of online networks, a terrific new report has been released by Michel Bauwens called Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy. Michel, who directs the Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives and works with me at the Commons Strat...

    Two paragraphs from the Introduction: "Two main agents of transformation guide this work. One is the emergence of community dynamics as an essential ingredient of doing business. It is no longer a matter of autonomous and separated corporations marketing to essentially isolated consumers, it is now a matter of deeply inter-networked economic actors...

    The structure of the study

    "Chapter One creates a frame of understanding with some general characteristics of the whole field. In order to do this, it attempts to create a general grammar to ease the understanding of the varied phenomena that will be discussed in the rest of the report. It tries to uncover the fundamental drives and explains the basic interconnected concepts. It ends with a first approach to a categorization of thedifferent expressions of the collaborative economy. Chapter Two looks at user innovation...

    Online Access to the Chapters

    1. Introduction, 2. Table of Contents, 3. Chapter 1, When the Vertical Meets the Horizontal, 4. Chapter 2, The Emergence of a User-centric Ecos...

    Chapter One: When the Vertical Meets the Horizontal

    I. The New Horizontality and Diagonality II. The Emerging Logic Of Horizontal Intermediation III. New Conceptualizations of Business Practice IV. Some Important Clarifications V. The Emerging Logic of Open Business Models VI. New Distributed Infrastructures For Material Production VII. Understanding the Ladder of Participation VIII. A First Categorization of the Collaborative Economy


    "The theme of the following work is the horizontalisation of productive human relationships that has been enabled through communication networks and in particular the Internet. These productive publics can generate their own practices and institutions through bottom-up dynamics, or they can bemobilized by existing institutions. Hence the emergence of the collaborative economy, which comes with many names and with different expressions, such as commons-based peer production (Yochai Benkler), w...

    The Motivation for this Study

    By Orange Labs: "Within the Social and Human Sciences Lab of Orange R&D, the Research Object Futurology is in charge of detecting and analyzing changes in northern and southern societies – whether their sources are of economical, cultural, technical or social nature – that could impact the Telecom ecosystem, in the mid and long term. Collaborative Economy: a major trend in the informational society At the heart of our economies, a diversification and increasing importance of collaborative pra...


    Michel Bauwens and Valérie Peugeot: "In the last decade or so, many new collaborative practices seemed to have emerged in the business world, ranging from open innovation, co-design and co-creation, but also crowdsourcing, collaborative consumption. With some exceptions, these practices can be interpreted as 'emergent' and they are still mostly marginal in their economic weight relative to the mainstream market economy, with some exceptions however. For example, the open content and open sour...

    There is no longer any excuse to remain ignorant of the vast peer-to-peer landscape that is slowly but surely replacing the obsolete, monopolistic, and competitive institutions of yesterday. This authoritative survey of the emerging collaborative economy may shock businesspeople and scare bankers, but it sure encourages me. - Dr. Douglas Rushkoff -...

  2. Capitalism, he says, is a system in which “economic units—unlike those in previous historical epochs—must depend on the market for everything they need.”3 His argument then proceeds on that basis, building on the premise that what distinguishes capitalism from all other social forms is the market-dependence of all economic actors, and ...

  3. More Information Atkinson, Jon, “The luxury of living in a tiny house,” KALW News (19 Oct. 2011), http://kalwnews. org/audio/2011/10/19/the-luxury-living-tiny ...

  4. 2012年1月15日 · Description. Concept proposed by Stefano Zamagni : "Contributive justice, as opposed to distributive justice, is the responsibility each of us has to contribute to civil society, and to our collective well being. Contributive justice matches a person's obligations with his or her capabilities and role in society."

  5. Construction of the 63-million-Swiss-franc project began in early 2012 and was completed, on schedule, in late summer of this year. Demand has been strong. By spring 2014, almost 900 people had paid the refundable membership fee of 1,000 CHF (again, about the same in U.S. dollars) and joined the cooperative — the first step in applying for ...

  6. A term coined by Yale political scientist Jacob Hacker, pre-distribution focuses on market reforms to stimulate a more democratic distribution of economic power before government enforces redistributional strategies through taxes or benefits.

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