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  1. The Academic Free License (AFL) is a permissive free software license written in 2002 by Lawrence E. Rosen, a former general counsel of the Open Source Initiative (OSI). The license grants similar rights to the BSD , MIT , UoI/NCSA and Apache licenseslicenses allowing the software to be made proprietary – but was written to ...

  2. 學術自由授權條款 (英語: Academic Free License , 縮寫 : AFL )是一個 寬鬆的自由軟體授權條款 ,由 勞倫斯·E·羅森 (英語:Lawrence E. Rosen) 在2002年所撰寫,他是 開放原始碼促進會 的 法律總顧問 (英語:General counsel) 。 這個授權條款授予使用者類似於 BSD 、 MIT 以及 Apache 授權條款的權利 —— 這些授權條款讓軟體可以變為 非自由 —— 但是這是編寫來糾正這些授權條款的相關問題: AFL明確的在軟體的著作權陳述中指出了有哪些軟體被包含在該授權中; AFL包含了一個完整的軟體著作權授予; AFL包含了一個完整的軟體專利權授予; AFL明確的指出並無授權給被授權者的商標;

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2021年9月6日 · 学术自由许可协议 (英语: Academic Free License , 缩写 : AFL )是一个 宽松的自由软件许可协议条款 ,由 劳伦斯·E·罗森 (英语:Lawrence E. Rosen) 在2002年所撰写,他是 开放源代码促进会 的 法律总顾问 (英语:General counsel) 。 这个许可协议授予用户类似于 BSD 、 MIT 以及 Apache 许可协议的权利 —— 这些许可协议让软件可以变为 非自由 —— 但是这是编写来纠正这些许可协议的相关问题: AFL明确的在软件的著作权陈述中指出了有哪些软件被包含在该许可中; AFL包含了一个完整的软件著作权授予; AFL包含了一个完整的软件专利权授予; AFL明确的指出并无许可给被许可者的商标;

    • Foss Licenses
    • General Comparison
    • Approvals
    • See Also

    FOSS stands for "Free and Open Source Software". There is no one universally agreed-upon definition of FOSS software and various groups maintain approved lists of licenses. The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is one such organization keeping a list of open-source licenses. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) maintains a list of what it considers free. ...

    For a simpler comparison across the most common licenses see free-software license comparison. The following table compares various features of each license and is a general guide to the terms and conditions of each license, based on seven subjects or categories. Recent tools like the European Commissions' Joinup Licensing Assistant,makes possible ...

    This table lists for each license what organizations from the FOSS community have approved it – be it as a "free software" or as an "open source" license – , how those organizations categorize it, and the license compatibility between them for a combined or mixed derivative work. Organizations usually approve specific versions of software licenses....

  5. Academic Free License v. 3.0. Version 3.0 Submitter: Lawrence Rosen SPDX short identifier: AFL-3.0. This Academic Free License (the “License”) applies to any original work of authorship (the “Original Work”) whose owner (the “Licensor”) has placed the following licensing notice adjacent to the copyright notice for the Original Work:

  6. Academic Free License Lawrence E. Rosen 3 2002 是 是 Affero通用公共許可證 自由軟件基金會 3 2007 僅 AGPLv3 + GPLv3 否 Apache許可證 Apache軟件基金會 2.0 2004 是 是 蘋果公共源代碼許可證 蘋果公司 2.0 2003年8月6日 是 否 藝術許可協議 拉里·沃爾 2.

  7. Permissive licenses, also known as academic licenses, allow recipients to use, modify, and distribute software with no obligation to provide source code. Institutions created these licenses to distribute their creations to the public. Permissive licenses are usually.