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  1. Funded by PrimeDAO, DAO-to-DAO (D2D) collaboration mechanisms appear the most forward thinking work along these lines, which may eventually overtake traditional business-to-business (B2B) products.

    • Description
    • Characteristics
    • Example
    • Dao Tools
    • Status
    • Discussion

    1. Ananth Natrajan and Nitin Gaur: "A broad definition of a DAO would be an organization that records its membership, rules and responsibilities on an immutable ledger enabled by blockchain technology. Its charter and evolution are public and unchangeable. Generally, joining requires resources and community membership of sorts, in the form of token...

    Primavera de Filippi: "Most of these definitions include the following distinctivecharacteristics: ● DAOs enable people to coordinate and self-govern themselves online. Although nomention is made as to the minimum size of the group, the term “organization” is generallyunderstood to refer to an entity comprising multiple people acting towards a comm...

    What are some interesting DAO projects?

    Theodor Marcu: What are some interesting DAO projects? “Like traditional organizations, DAOs come in all shapes and sizes. However, there are a few categories of DAOs that have been particularly popular during the past few years. These categories include decentralized funds for investments and grants, crypto projects focused on decentralized finance (DeFi), and art (using Non-Fungible Tokens, aka NFTs). MakerDAO is a prominent example of a DeFi project governed by a DAO. Maker is a stablecoin...

    See also: DAO Governance Tools 1. Theodor Marcu: “The popularity of DAOs has also led to the appearance of projects focused on helping people set up DAOs. For example, Aragon is a DAO focused on building tools for creating and managing DAOs. Aragon’s products include a protocol for creating DAOs as well as a voting solution for managing community p...

    What is the legal status of DAOs?

    Theodor Marcu: “While DAOs are very similar to regular organizations, only a few places around the world recognize them as legal entities that benefit from the protections usually afforded to traditional organizations like LLCs. One of these places is the US state of Wyoming, which passed legislation in April that allows DAOs to register as LLCs. Similarly, the European country of Malta also recognizes DAOs as valid legal entities. However, while there is some interest in recognizing DAOs as...

    Primavera de Filippi: "The use of the term “decentralized autonomous organisation” or DAO is now fairly established in theblockchain space, yet there are still many misconceptions and unresolved issues in the discussionaround the term. (1) First of all, with regard to the “decentralization” aspect of a DAO, it is unclearwhether decentralization onl...

  2. Ronja (Reasonable Optical Near Joint Access) is an User Controlled Technology (like Free Software) project of optical point-to-point data link. The device has 1.4km range and has stable 10Mbps full duplex data rate. Ronja is an optoelectronic device you can mount on your house and connect your PC, home or office network with other networks.

  3. Berkshares are paper hours distributed in the Berkshire region of Massachusetts, equivalent to $USD, and can be bought with and redeemed for $USD. Cheimgauers are similar to Berkshares, but expire and so must be renewed with a stamp to be valid.

  4. "Unequal exchange theory posits that economic growth in the “advanced economies” of the global North relies on a large net appropriation of resources and labour from the global South, extracted through price differentials in international trade.

  5. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Essentially a practitioner, began professional life with the Foundation of Ecological Security - from its inception as a Pilot project in 1986 to its present state where it is spread over 1800 villages across nine different ecological and socio-economic settings within India.

  6. In the latter case, if the companies are public, anyone can invest in them. Whether they are paid in USD or become paid in an alternative currency that employees must redeem for USD makes scant difference that I can see, since USD must still be exchanged 6.

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