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  1. CHLORTHALIDONE (CHLORTALIDONE)的用量作用機轉、副作用、懷孕及哺乳用藥與藥物交互作用,CHLORTHALIDONE (CHLORTALIDONE)適應症:高血壓,或與充血性心臟衰竭、腎無代償能力、肝硬化有關的水腫。.

  2. 3.以往對Thiazide系藥物及類似化合物(如chlorthalidone等sulfonamide衍生物)有過敏症之患者。 注意事項 1.因本劑之利尿效果顯著,從少量開始服用,再徐徐增量。

  3. 利尿劑的選擇不少,目前醫師常會選擇Chlorthalidone(12.5-25 mg),其半衰期長並被證實可以降低心血管疾病的機會。 CCB(鈣離子通道阻斷劑) CCB全名是Calcium channel blocker,是鈣離子通道阻斷劑,能阻斷進入心臟及血管之中肌肉細胞的鈣離子,使其難以傳導訊息 ...

  4. › 2016 › S-7-4臺灣醫學會

    Chlorthalidone尤佳), 離 子阻斷劑(建議dihydropyridine CCBs為佳), ACE 抑制劑與 ARB(尤其:合併心血管 疾病,糖尿病,蛋白尿,以及慢性腎病變)都是相當優良的中高年患者藥物治療選擇(除 了乙型阻斷劑之外)

  5. Chlortalidone, also known as chlorthalidone, is a thiazide-like diuretic drug used to treat high blood pressure, swelling (such as occurs in heart failure, liver failure, and nephrotic syndrome), diabetes insipidus, and renal tubular acidosis.

  6. 性状与药理 毒性. 性状:本品为白色片。. 药理毒理 (1)对水、电解质 排泄 的影响。. ①利尿作用,尿钠、钾、氯、磷和镁等离子排泄增加,而对尿钙排泄减少。. 本类 药物作用 机制主要抑制远端小管前段和近端小管 (作用较轻〉对 氯化钠 的 重吸收 ,从而增加 ...

  7. 2024年5月1日 · Chlorthalidone is a thiazide-like diuretic used to treat hypertension. This activity discusses chlorthalidone's indications and contraindications when managing hypertension, edema, and calcium nephrolithiasis. Additionally, its mechanism of action, adverse event

  8. 2024年6月6日 · What is chlorthalidone used for? Chlorthalidone is commonly used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension).

  9. Chlorthalidone is indicated as adjunctive therapy in edema associated with congestive heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis, and corticosteroid and estrogen therapy. Chlorthalidone has also been found useful in edema due to various forms of renal dysfunction, such as

  10. Chlorthalidone, a 'water pill,' is used to treat high blood pressure and fluid retention caused by various conditions, including heart disease. It causes the kidneys to get rid of unneeded water and salt from the body into the urine.

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