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  1. A lump sum contract in construction is one type of construction contract, sometimes referred to as stipulated-sum, where a single price is quoted for an entire project based on plans and specifications and covers the entire project and the owner knows exactly

  2. 2021年4月11日 · Under a lump sum contract, also known as a stipulated sum contract, the project owner provides explicit specifications for the work, and the contractor provides a fixed price for the project.

  3. 一、固定價款合約. (Fixed-price or lump-sum contracts,FP合約) 又稱「一次付清合約」,買方必須支付固定的總價給承包商,而賣方必須承擔所有風險、完成工作。 因賣方有完成合約的法律義務,即使成本超出合約金額上限,賣方仍應依約完成工作。 雖然對承包商而言,可能的利潤也最高,但風險掌控度不高的話,相對利潤也會下降。 就像是去吃到飽: 支付699元給店家後在2小時內可以盡情用餐,但店家較難掌控每一客人所食用的成本會超出699元或低於699元。 二、成本可償還合約. (Cost Reimbursable, CR 合約) 指買方支付實際成本(包含直接成本及間接成本)後,再加上一筆屬於賣方的利潤。

  4. 2024年6月11日 · A lump sum contract provides a fixed price for completing a construction project. Also called a stipulated sum contract, this type of construction agreement provides simplicity for both owners and contractors, and it’s often used for projects with a clear scope of work.

  5. 2023年6月30日 · A lump sum contract is a construction contract where the contractor or subcontractor agrees to complete a project for a fixed price. The payment for the project is based on the agreed-upon price, regardless of the actual costs incurred during construction. This type of contract is commonly used for smaller projects with well-defined scopes of work.

  6. 2024年3月27日 · A lump sum contract is an agreement to provide a project with a set price. A lump sum agreement is one of several types of business contracts, and may also be referred to as a stipulated sum or fixed price agreement. Its primarily used in the construction business. Let’s go into more depth.

  7. A lump sum contract is an agreement that sets a predetermined cost for construction work. Under this arrangement, the contractor performing the work agrees to complete the project for a fixed amount – no more or less.

  8. 2022年9月9日 · A lump sum contract is a flat fee paid to a general contractor for work on a construction project. When bidding, the contractor will submit a total project price instead of bidding for each item. The bid will include the cost of work plus the contractor’s fee and is usually broken out by division.

  9. 2023年8月3日 · A lump sum contract, also known as a fixed-price contract, is an agreement where the contractor agrees to complete a project for a predetermined fixed amount. This means that regardless of the actual costs incurred during project execution, the contractor is entitled to the agreed-upon lump sum. Key Characteristics.

  10. 2021年5月11日 · What Is a Fixed-Price Contract? Fixed-price contracts, also known as firm-price or lump-sum contracts, are agreements in which the two parties state the goods or services one party will provide and establish the price the other party will pay for them.