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  1. 升降辦公桌,又可稱升降桌,是現代辦公場所中廣泛推廣及應用的辦公設施。 用 升降桌 造句挺難的,這是一個萬能造句的方法 13個標準教室里清一色的 升降桌 椅和磁性黑板,班班有電腦、彩電、飲水機、書架。

  2. 例句與用法. Lifting platforms - mast climbing work platforms. 升降平臺 .桅桿攀爬用工作平臺. Equipped with stair and doods elerator. 提升機有電動葫蘆型和液壓 升降平臺 型。. The application of the pneumatic and hydraulic linkage system. 氣液聯動 升降平臺 設計. Lifting platforms - mast climbing work ...

  3. This laptop computer is only one - tenth the weight of a normal desk - top computer. 這臺膝上型電腦僅是一臺普通 桌上型電腦 的十分之一重。. Become a microsoft certified desktop support technician information rights management in microsoft office 2003. 成為microsoft認證的 桌上型電腦 支援技術人員.

  4. 有海量綫上例句用法,真人發音,相關詞匯翻譯查詢,自動拼寫糾錯,近義詞反義詞查詢等功能.

  5. 例句與用法. A feed screw extends from the base to the knee . 進給絲杠從底座伸向 升降臺 。. On top of the knee is a saddle . 升降臺 上有床鞍。. Valuable features of the elevating platforms include controls which can be operated either from the ground or the bucket . 這種 升降臺 有價值的特點是可以在地面 ...

  6. 電腦桌英文翻譯: computer desk…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋電腦桌英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯電腦桌,電腦桌的英語例句用法和解釋。 電腦桌英文_電腦桌英文怎麼說

  7. 1. (提升和降級) promotion and demotion. 短語和例子. 升降獎懲 promotion and demotion, reward and punishment. 2. (上升和下降) go up and down; 升降車 lift truck; 升降滑車 fall block; 升降機 elevator; jack; hydraulic rope-geared; elevator; cage-lifter; lift; lifter; hoist; 升降率 grade; 升降平臺 hoistable ...