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  1. 慶祝 Minecraft 15 週年!6 月 15 日之前在 Minecraft 週年慶特賣消費,即享所有遊戲五折優惠,還有 15 天大放送的免費贈品和收藏桌布。 利用 Oreville 工作室的週年紀念免費附加功能,慶祝 Minecraft 15 週年!您會獲得氣球、橫幅、附蠟燭的生日蛋糕等派對用品 ...

  2. 在 Minecraft 官方網站探索全新遊戲冒險、配件和商品。在此購買和下載遊戲,或是查看網站掌握最新消息。 無論您是想要更可愛、更好笑,還是更混亂,總有一款附加功能適合您!多款全新的免費和付費附加功能任君挑選。

  3. 2023年6月5日 · 什麼是「外觀」?為什麼大家一直在討論外觀?我們應該有所擔心嗎? 儘管「Minecraft 外觀」可能聽起來有點奇怪,但其功能為變更您遊戲內角色的外觀,換言之,就是您看起來的樣子。您在 Minecraft 中要進行的首要操作之一便是選擇外觀,您可自由選擇要使用什麼樣的外觀!

  4. Well, my days of justifying my fashion choices are over because the Minecraft 15th Anniversary Collection is here! To celebrate Minecraft’s 15th birthday in fitting attire, we’re releasing a very special, limited-edition collection of merch in a variety of styles and never-before-seen designs, exclusive to the Minecraft Shop.

  5. Explore new gaming adventures, accessories, & merchandise on the Minecraft Official Site. Buy & download the game here, or check the site for the latest news. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Watch the ...

  6. Download Minecraft for Windows, Mac, and more. Download server software for Java and Bedrock to start playing with friends. Learn more about the Minecraft Launcher.

  7. Play the free trial! Enjoy player mods, world customization, multiplayer servers, and more on the original version of the classic game.Cross-platform play between Mac, PC, and Linux for an unforgettable building experience with your closest friends! Try Minecraft: Java Edition now, available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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