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  1. 1. 成功;成就;勝利 [U] [C] They have achieved remarkable success in their work. 他們在工作方面成績顯著。 2. 成功的事;取得成就的人 [C] She was a success as an actress. 她是位成功的女演員。 更多解釋. SUCCESS. 美式. n....

  2. 2. 【英】水兵,普通海員 [C] 3. (廣播節目)收聽率;(電視節目)收視率 [P] 4. 評價;評分,測試得分 [the S] Harold's rating of some of his brother's creations wasn't very flattering. 哈羅德對他兄弟的某些創作的評價並不是太恭維。. Of all universities in Taiwan,...

  3. 1. 攻克,攻取 The city was conquered overnight. 那座城市在夜裡被攻克。 2. 戰勝;克服;征服;成功地登上 I finally conquered my fear of heights. 我終於克服了我的懼心理。 I believe man will conquer the weather in the near future....

  4. 1. 靈感 [U] [S1] I cannot write without inspiration. 沒有靈感我寫不出東西。 2. 鼓舞人心的人(或事物) [C] His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他妻子是不斷鼓舞他前進的人。 3. 【口】妙計,好辦法 [C] After a good night's sleep, he had a...

  5. 1. 欣喜,高興 [(+at/over)] [+to-v] [+that] I rejoice to hear of your promotion. 聽說你升我非常高興。 We all rejoiced at/over the good news. 我們都為這一消息感到高興。 2. 慶祝,歡樂 Let us rejoice together on your success....

  6. 更多解釋. revealing. IPA [rɪˈviːlɪŋ] 美式. 英式. adj. 揭露真相的; 發人深省的; 暴露細節的 a revealing slip of the tongue 暴露真實想法的口誤. 牛津中文字典.

  7. 1. 完成,實現,達到 They didn't accomplish the purpose desired. 他們沒有達到預期的目的。 They have accomplished their mission successfully. 他們成功地完成了任務。 2. 走完,度過 She has accomplished 95 years of her life. 她已達九十五高齡。...