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  1. 機關地址:106606 臺北市大安區羅斯福路二段95號3樓

  2. SMEA helps SMEs to enhance their management capabilities and cultivate talents through various supports (such as free counseling, low-cost training, business matching, etc.). Through the dense network of local service center, SMEA provides SMEs with ...

  3. Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs

  4. › cusquestionnaireInfo-tw經濟部中小企業處

    主題 為民服務品質滿意度調查 說明 為配合政府提升為民服務品質,並進一步了解您對本處提供服務滿意度,請提供您寶貴意見,作為我們改進方向,謝謝! 調查時間 2022-01-01 ~ 2022-12-31 參與調查 參與調查


  6. 「中小企業創新研究獎」、「新創事業獎」等選拔表揚活動,希望透過公開表揚 方式,肯定得獎企業對我國經貿之貢獻,並建立足以讓其他中小企業見賢思齊學習標竿。跳到主要內容區塊 Toggle navigation 經濟部中小企業處 ...

  7. Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs No. 463 464 SBIR Steering Committee,Approved the subsidies for 13 SBIR Projects 2023-07-26 Small and Medium Enterprise Administration,Ministry of Economic ...