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  1. n. 名詞. 1. 悲痛,悲傷 [U] The mother went mad with grief after the child died. 孩子後,母親因悲痛而發瘋了。 2. 悲痛的緣由 [C] Her heroin-addicted husband is a grief to her. 她那吸海洛因成癮的丈夫真讓她痛心。 3. 不幸;災難;失敗 [U] [C] 更多解釋....

  2. 1. 在……之後仍然生存,從……中逃生 Only two passengers survived the air-crash. 這次飛機失事只有兩名乘客倖免於。 2. 比……活得長;喪失(配偶,親人等) She survived her husband by twenty years. 她丈夫去世後她又活了二十年。 vi. 不及物動詞. 1. 活下來,倖存;殘留 [(+on)]...

  3. 1. 無法擺脫 I'm stuck with this problem. 我被這個問題纏住了。 2. 承擔, 肩負 The poor widow was stuck with her husband's debts. 那可憐的寡婦承擔丈夫的債務。 更多解釋. stuck with. 美式. ph. 無法擺脫 I'm stuck with this problem....

  4. 釋義. ph. 片語. 1. 自個兒獨處 Ever since her husband died, she usually stayed off to herself. 自從她丈夫死後,她就經常自個兒獨處。 更多解釋. stay off to oneself. ph. 自個兒獨處 Ever since her husband died, she usually stayed off to...

  5. n. 名詞. 1. 死亡 [U] The room gave an impression of decease. 這房間給人一種死亡的印象。 vi. 不及物動詞. 1. 亡故 Donna was aware that her deceased parents left little or no worldly goods. 唐娜知道她已故的父母沒有留下任何物質上有價值的東西。 更多解釋....

  6. 1. 消失 Has your pain passed off yet? 痛不痛? The numbness in your foot will soon pass off. 你腳上的麻木感一會兒就會消失。 2. 進行; 完成 The meeting passed off successfully. 會議開得很成功。 The demonstration passed off...

  7. how. n. 1. (指方式,方法)怎樣怎麼 How did you climb to the top of that building? 你是如何爬上樓頂的?. 2. (指健康等情況)怎樣 How is Mrs. Smith? 史密斯太太身體好嗎?. 3.

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