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  1. 工具推薦. The search engine that helps you find exactly what you're looking for. Find the most relevant information, video, images, and answers from all across the Web.

  2. 方法學, 方法論 PyDict 服務中心 建議 隱私權政策 服務條款 您的隱私權選擇 廣告 Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋 Yahoo奇摩字典 查詢詞 設定 首頁 新聞 股市 購物中心 拍賣 ...

  3. 1. 清潔的;未汙染的;洗過的;愛乾淨的 The room is spotlessly clean. 房內極其乾淨,一塵不染。 2. 未使用過的;新鮮的 You'd better use a clean piece of paper. 你最好用一張空白紙書寫。 3. 純潔的;無色情的 a clean joke 無色情內容的笑話. 4. 清白的;無前科的 He was considered a...

  4. 1. 推薦 [U] He gave her the job on her uncle's recommendation. 經她叔父介紹,他讓她擔任了這工作。 2. 推薦信,介紹信 [C] Will you write a recommendation for me? 你替我寫封推薦信好嗎? 3. 勸告,建議 [C] act on one's recommendations...

  5. 名詞. 1. 方法,辦法 [C] [(+of/for)] A new training method was introduced. 引進了一種新的訓練方法。. 2. 條理;秩序 [U] His book is totally without method. 他寫的那本書毫無條理。. 更多解釋. method.

  6. 1. 治療;治療法;藥物 [U] [C] [(+for/against)] I know a remedy for headaches. 我知道一種治頭疼的藥。 2. 補救(法);糾正(法) [U] [C] [(+for)] I don't suppose there'll ever be a remedy for that. 我想那件事不會有任何補救辦法。 3. 賠償,補償. vt....

  7. 1. 排除,消除,消滅 [(+from)] Our goal is to eliminate poverty. 我們的目標是消滅貧困。 2. (比賽中)淘汰 [(+from)] Our team was eliminated from the competition in the first round. 我隊在第一輪比賽中就被淘汰。 3. 不加考慮,忽視. 4. 【口】殺(人) 更多解釋....

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