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  1. Sedimento urinario: miceti - Candida albicans. Aspetto: la Candida albicans allo stato saprofita si presenta come le cellule dei miceti lievitiformi, cioè come blastospore sferiche e particolarmente rifrangenti di diametro di 1-2 m m. Quando invece assume un ruolo patogeno, oltre alle blastospore sono presenti anche filamenti di micelio.

  2. This class provides a simple way to avoid flicker: when drawing on it, everything is in fact first drawn on an in-memory buffer (a wx.Bitmap ) and then copied to the screen, using the associated DC, only once, when this object is destroyed. wx.BufferedDC itself is typically associated with wx.ClientDC, if you want to use it in your wx.EVT_PAINT ...

  3. › tasukinomiko › MangaKoi Suiren - Siti Xoom

    Koi Suiren Originally serialized in the comic magazine CAIN, the series is now being serialized in Comic Eyes. It's the story of Suiren, the princess of the water lily land who after being wounded in a confrontation with an enemy known as the Oo Onibasu had her ...

  4. › assbabbari › GigifotoGigi il buldozer

    Gigi il buldozer ... Indietro

  5. › epbulfon › ... GIORNO

  6. › mauquad › corda mollaP7210267


  7. › amarcord2003 › amoreAmore - Amarcord

    Amore - Amarcord ... Amore