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  2. 1. 弄翻,打翻;傾覆 The generals plotted to upset the government. 將軍們策劃推翻政府。. 2. 打亂,攪亂 Rain upset our plans for a picnic. 下雨打亂了我們的野餐計畫。. 3. 意外地擊敗 The Democrat upset the governor in the election. 這位民主黨人在選舉中意外地擊敗了州長。.

  3. 1. (車輛)翻覆. 2. 發行新公司債券償還舊債. adj. 形容詞. 1. (主要使用於英國)獎券開出後,其特獎無人得領,轉而增加下期之特獎金額的. rollover credit.

  4. 技巧的總和 Because of his wonderful skill set, he was elected MVP of the year. 因為他有完美的技巧總和,所以他是今年的最有價值球員。 技巧的總和 Because of his wonderful skill set, he was elected MVP of the year. 因為他有完美的技巧總和,所以他是今年的最

  5. 5. (貨物等的)流動,流通,吞吐 [U] [S] 6. 人員更替數;人員更換率 [U] [S] That company has a fast turnover because of the poor working conditions. 那家公司因為工作環境很差,員工流動得很快。. They have a very high turnover of staff. 他們的職員更換很快。. 7. 【籃】易手,失球.

  6. 1. 正方形的[Z] 2. 成直角的 3. 結實的,魁梧的 The mayor is a man of square frame. 市長是個體格魁梧的人。 4. 正直的,公正的 His dealings are not quite square.他辦事路子不太正。 5. 直截了當的,斷然的 They offered to buy his farm but met a square refusal. 他們 ...

  7. upset. vt. 弄翻,打翻;傾覆 The generals plotted to upset the government. 將軍們策劃推翻政府。. vi. 翻倒;傾覆 The boat will upset if a storm breaks. 如遇暴風雨,這條船會翻掉。. adj. 翻倒的;翻覆的 an upset boat 傾覆的船.

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