Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 維基百科是「開源」的 -- 每個人都可以拋出自己的想法. and then somebody else comes in and polishes on that idea to make it superb. 之後會有別的人來充實這個想法,使它變得更完美. There are thousands of people working every day, every hour, every minute on Wikipedia to improve it. 這裡有成千上萬的 ...

  2. If there is higher expectations placed on you, then you're more likely to work harder and want to live up to those expectations. 當有人對你有比較高的期待時,就有可能促使你更認真,讓你達到他們的期望。. Similarly, if someone thinks you're supposed to be the responsible one, you're more likely to take on that ...

  3. 我們今天要來批鬥這位自稱是世界上手速最快的小提琴家。 This is what our channel is becoming now. 我們的頻道現在都淪落到做這種影片。 And no, we're not talking about this guy. 但要注意,我們說的可不是這個男人。 Seven billion population, all the Ling Lings, but this guy is faster than all of them. 全球 70 億人口,有這麼多霖霖 (每天努力練習小提琴且表現優異的人),這位仁兄卻比所有人都還快。 And you know it's gonna be legit because it's on BBC news.

  4. 現在大家都想當饒舌歌手。 But one thing that a lot of people don't know is how the rapper became the most popular part of the hip hop culture. 但很多人不知道的是,饒舌歌手是如何成為嘻哈文化最受歡迎的一環。 In the early days of hip hop culture, the focus was the DJ. 在早期的嘻哈文化中,DJ 才是焦點。 (註:DJ 為 disc jockey 縮寫。 And to introduce the DJ, the MC was the sidekick, or the rapper.

  5. I've got an idea. 【看動畫學英文】《飛哥與小佛》鴨嘴獸泰瑞離開丹村了!. (Perry Leaves Danville | Phineas and Ferb | Disney XD) 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法 ...

  6. 我們有印度河流域文明。 We'll see it in China along the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. 也會看到黃河、長江流域的中國古文明。 And we'll also see it in Mesopotamia along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. 我們也在底格里斯河、幼發拉底河流域看到美索不達米亞文明。 And what we're gonna focus on in this video in particular is Mesopotamia. 而今天這部影片會專門探討美索不達米亞文明。

  7. 我懂! 我窮到買不起 Whole Food (高價有機超市) 的東西,只能去 Trader Joe's (平價有機超市) 買。 The only apartment I can afford is three buses and two hours away, but this is the only job I could get. 我唯一可以負擔的公寓離公司要兩個多小時的車程,還要轉三次車,但我也找不到其他工作。 I am so broke. 我真的很窮。 -Look at my phone. - Is that a 6 plus? -你看我的手機。 - 那是 6 plus 嗎? Yeah!

  1. 其他人也搜尋了