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  1. 2017年12月17日 · The early concept of Shanzhai cell phones refers to mimicking Nokia, Samsung and Ericsson phones, whereas rising production volume and simple mechanical duplication later took a crimp on the profit margin. Presumably, some products later were introduced to the market with some “magic” functions and an incredibly low price.

  2. To fulfil its mission, any emancipatory social science faces three basic tasks: first, to elabourate a systematic diagnosis and critique of the world as it exists; second, to envision viable alternatives; and third, to understand the obstacles, possibilities and dilemmas of transformation.

  3. 2011年12月26日 · A Theory of Power. Jeff Vail. 2004. URL = An examination of rhizomatic vs. hierarchical power, and how to get from the latter to the former. Contents. 1 Summary. 2 Excerpts. 2.1 The relationship between hierarchy and ownership. 2.2 Hierarchical distribution of information is inefficient.

  4. 2010年5月2日 · Definition. "People’s organizations (POs), unlike NGOs, are established by and represent sectors of the population like small farmers, artisanal fisherfolk, slum dwellers and others. POs take a wide variety of forms and exist at various levels.

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    Peeragogy as a pattern

    "* Motivation. This pattern is relevant to anyone who wants to do active learning together with others in a relativelynon-hierarchical setting. - Context. Collaborative projects like Wikipedia, StackExchange, and FLOSS represent an implicit challenge to the old “industrial” organization of work. This new way of working appears to promise something more resilient,more exciting, and more humane. The rhetoric has been questioned [Shaw and Hill 2014; Kreiss et al. 2011]. In and across these “free...

    Howard Rheingold: "The more I give my teacher-power to students and encourage them to take more responsibility for their own learning, the more they show me how to redesign my ways of teaching. At the end of the first course I taught solo, I asked students for their frank opinions of what was working and what could work better. I didn't want to wait for anonymous evaluations, which don't afford dialogue or collaboration. The first pushback was a strong request for more project-based collabora...

  5. Definitions. The Commons is a general term for shared resources in which each stakeholder has an equal interest. Studies on the commons include the information commons with issues about public knowledge, the public domain, open science, and the free exchange of ideas -- all issues at the core of a direct democracy.

  6. This changed with two developments. First, the spread of broadband internet access made it possible to easily both upload and download all forms of media: video, images and audio as well as just text and transactions. Second, tools emerged which made it simple for people to publish or spread information.

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