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  1. 2. Autopoiesis and Sympoiesis: "Autopoietic (self-producing) systems are autonomous units with self-defined boundaries that tend to be centrally controlled, homeostatic, and predictable. Sympoietic (collectively-producing) systems do not have self-defined spatial or temporal boundaries. Information and control are distributed among components.

  2. 2021年9月3日 · Typology. Richard Simpson: "Sorokin's principal tool in analyzing cultures and explaining their changes is his classification of cultures and all their manifestations into three main types: Sensate, Idealistic, and Ideational coupled with his concept of "logico-meaningful" integration of cultural elements.

  3. The Evolution of Hierarchy in the P2P Era. John Heron: 1. "1. There seem to be at least four degrees of cultural development, rooted in degrees of moral insight: (1) autocratic cultures which define rights in a limited and oppressive way and there are no rights of political participation;

  4. 4. Since waste becomes a permanent feature of the economy and the rising cost of wasted effort must be borne by society, total prices must always increase more rapidly than total value. 5. Since, wasted effort itself produces no new value, exchange itself is ...

    • Description
    • Characteristics
    • Typology
    • Timeline

    From the Wikipedia: "The Strauss–Howe generational theory, also known as the Fourth Turning theory or simply the Fourth Turning, which was created by authors William Strauss and Neil Howe, describes a theorized recurring generation cycle in American history. According to the theory, historical events are associated with recurring generational perso...

    Amanda van Eck Duymaer van Twist and Suzanne Newcombe: "This theory of cycles puts generations in tension, battling for different cultural priorities. Strauss and Howe emphasise this alternation between eras of awakenings and crises, both of which radically alter the social environment. Awakenings are marked by individualism, inward-focused renewal...

    Amanda van Eck Duymaer van Twist and Suzanne Newcombe: "Many descriptions of the human lifespan often include four stages, that of childhood, young adulthood, midlife, and old age. A social generation is a cohort group that shares an age location in history, meaning that members of the generation encounter similar historical events and social influ...

    See: The Strauss-Howe Generational Theory — the last three saeculum and the turnings for each, at

  5. Pór George (UK). Commons educator and activist. Evolutionary thinker-activist, pioneer of collective intelligence research and adviser to visionary leaders in civil society, business, and governments in matters of social innovation, culture change, communities of practice, and social media strategies. Co-Director of the School of Commoning ...

  6. Caffentzis and Federici have been major figures since the 1960s in the intellectual development and propagation of, and active struggle for, various movements, including the feminist, antiwar, alter-globalization, decolonial, Zapatista, and Occupy Wall Street movements.

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