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  1. › wiki › Ascorbic_acidAscorbic acid - Wikipedia

    Ascorbic acid is a naiturally occurrin organic compound wi antioxidant properties. It is a white solit, but impur samples can appear yellaeish. It dissolves well in watter tae gie mildly acidic solutions. Ascorbic acid is ane form ("vitamer") o vitamin C. It wis originally cried L -hexuronic acid, but, when it was foond tae hae vitamin C ...

  2. › wiki › RiboflavinRiboflavin - Wikipedia

    Riboflavin, forby kent as vitamin B 2 is an easy absorbit coloured micronutrient wi a key role in maintainin health in humans an ainimals. It is the central component o the cofactors FAD an FMN, an is syne required bi aw flavoproteins.In that wey, vitamin B 2 is required for a wide variety o cellular processes. ...

  3. › wiki › ShenyangShenyang - Wikipedia

    Shenyang. Shenyang (Cheenese: 沈 阳; pinyin: Shěnyáng; Mandarin pronunciation: [ʂən˧˩jɑŋ˧˥]), or Mukden ( in Manchu), is the caipital an lairgest ceety o Liaoning Province in Northeast Cheenae. Currently hauldin sub-provincial admeenistrative status, the ceety wis ance kent as Shengjing (盛京) or Fengtianfu (奉天府).

  4. › wiki › MeccaMecca - Wikipedia

    Mecca (/ˈmɛkə/), forby spelt Makkah (occasionally Bakkah) (/ˈmakə/; Arabic:مكة Makkah an in fou: Arabic:مكّة المكرمة transliteratit Makkah Al Mukarramah [mækːæt ælmukarːamæ]) is a ceety in Saudi Arabie, an the haliest meetin site in Islam, closely follaed bi Medina.[3][4][5] Islamic tradeetion attributes the beginnin o ...

  5. › wiki › DicotyledonDicotyledon - Wikipedia

    The dicotyledons, forbye kent as dicots, wis a groupin unwhile uised for the flouerin plants whase seed teepically haes twa embryonic leafs or cotyledons. Thare aroond 199,350 species athin this group. [1] Flouerin plants that wisnae dicotyledons wis cawed monocotyledons, teepically haein ae embryonic leaf . References.

  6. › wiki › WatherWather - Wikipedia

    Wather refers tae day-tae-day temperatur an effecks, while climate refers tae effecks ower time. Wather kin be preedectit bi yaisin science an technology at wather stations. Wance spaed, the wather is reportit by watherfowk. Due tae the fickle nature ae wather, reports kin be verra unricht. Wather reports kin be used tae pertect life an aiverel.

  7. › wiki › 20_December20 December - Wikipedia

    1991 - Paul Keating becomes the 24t Prime Meenister o Australie. 1999 - Portugal hands Macau back tae Cheenae. 2007 - Elizabeth II becomes the auldest Breetish monarch, overtakin Queen Victoria 's age o 81 year, 7 month, 29 days. 2015 - Spain haulds its general election, wi an inconclusive result. 2016 - A fireworks mercat splosion near Mexico ...

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