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  1. The Compassionate Frome project was launched in 2013 by Helen Kingston, a GP there. She kept encountering patients who seemed defeated by the medicalisation of their lives: treated as if they were a cluster of symptoms rather than a human being who happened to have health problems. Staff at her practice were stressed and dejected by what she ...

  2. Exhibition duration: June 23 – August 26, 2018 The exhibition will then tour internationally for about ten years. Research partners: School of Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, and TU Berlin, Institut für Architektur, Fachgebiet Prof. Rainer Hehl

  3. Description. "Lumen is an independent research project studying cease and desist letters concerning online content. We collect and analyze requests to remove material from the web. Our goals are to educate the public, to facilitate research about the different kinds of complaints and requests for removal--both legitimate and questionable--that ...

  4. The principal thesis of Inglehart’s 2018 book Cultural Evolution: People’s Motivations are Changing, and Reshaping the World is that there is a recognizable trajectory of cultural evolution in the direction of self-expressive and secular values over time.

  5. Description Zak Stein and Marc Gafni: "Heterodox evolutionists who have been concerned with the future role of self-consciousness as a factor in evolution have found that the keystone concept needed for thinking about the future of human evolution is that of ...

  6. = "This second RGCS white paper, Walking the Commons, is focused on a new research practice and method codesigned by members of our network: Open Walked Event-Based ...

  7. San Pisith is a Buddhist Monk and an Early Stage Researcher at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance. He has joined the Cosmolocalism project since September 2019 to pursue a Ph.D. at TalTech, Estonia. His Ph.D. thesis focuses on Buddhist Economics, Buddhist Governance, Commons, and Happiness and Public Purpose.

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