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  1. 2009年6月30日 · Thus, in a common property regime, a common-pool resource has the appearance of a private good from the outside and that of a common good from the point of view of an insider. The resource units withdrawn from the system are typically owned individually by the appropriators. Analysing the design of long-enduring CPR institutions, Elinor Ostrom ...

  2. Retrieved from ""

  3. For a list of pages see Category:Taiwan.For current development, see the Delicious tag at An alternative directory can be found ...

  4. = "an open access, free online publication and collective that seeks to push the boundaries of how we think about housing". URL = Description ""Radical Housing Journal is an open access, free online publication and collective ...

  5. For general information see Taiwan.For current development, see the Delicious tag at An alternative directory can be ...

  6. 2012年1月15日 · Description. Concept proposed by Stefano Zamagni : "Contributive justice, as opposed to distributive justice, is the responsibility each of us has to contribute to civil society, and to our collective well being. Contributive justice matches a person's obligations with his or her capabilities and role in society."

  7. 2017年9月19日 · Description. Pat Conaty: " Munibnb. Basically this would be an alliance of local authorities working in partnership with local residents who want to let out rooms. Munibnb would like Airbnb fund the allied update of the apps and platform to promote fair and local trade that would also ensure hotel taxes are paid and lettings are ethical.