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  1. The Post-Couture Collective brings designers and technical experts together to work on real-world solutions to the problems that are too big to be tackled by a very conservative industry. Our research spans the fields of garment design, production and retail.

  2. 2015年10月4日 · Arno Reuser is a professional librarian / information professional with more than 30 years experience in information handling and -processing. He founded and managed the Dutch Open Source Intelligence Bureau about 15 years ago and managed it until October 2010. Today, in conjunction with his activities for Reuser's Information Services he still ...

    • Collective Leadership
    • Instant Messaging
    • Ecosystems
    • Clustering

    = Any group member can take the lead. Nature’s groups are never led exclusively by one member; different group members lead asneeded. When geese migrate it is well known that the goose leading the V formation rotates.However, this is not just because they get tired and need to fly in another goose’s slipstream for awhile. The real reason is that no...

    = Instant whole-group broadcast communications. Nature’s groups use short instant messages that are instantly broadcast and received “in situ”wherever the receivers are. These messages are very short and very simple – essentially just twotypes: 1. Opportunity Messages. Food, nesting materials, Prey 1. Threat Messages. Predators, Rival colonies Ants...

    = Small is Beautiful…but Big is Powerful. "In nature, the size of the group is always right for the job and small groups link into bigger groups,that in turn link into still bigger groups. Where you a have a very large group or a crowd, it is onlypossible to achieve coordinated action if each member does the same thing at the same time. Thus a crow...

    = Engaging the many through the few Nature’s networks are clustered. The technical term for this is “scale-free networks.” In simpleterms, what this means is that in most naturally occurring networks some of the nodes have manymore connections than the average. This makes sense instinctively. For example, some of ourfriends seem to know everybody. ...

  3. 2016年11月1日 · "HATTERS is the place where new users acquire a HAT. All HATs certified by the HAT Community Foundation will be available here. New HAT applications can also be downloaded here. HATTERS is also the future peer-to-peer exchange platform for HAT users.

  4. Enspiral Website - lots of good stuff in every section, links to articles and video content, etc. Enspiral Blog (on Medium) is regularly updated Open Enspiral - a series of short video presentations from different Enspiral Ventures, which we did as part of the Open Source // Open Society conference (which I organised earlier this year) - good way to get a sense of the people and diversity of ...

  5. In short: energy follows attention. First, we apply our collective attention onto the challenge at hand, then we develop interventions that successfully transform our collective behavior, which in turn bends the curve. In a nutshell, the moment we focus our global

  6. Polly Wiessner: "Graeber and Wengrow struggle with the concept of egalitarianism, which they see as “sameness” in some specific ways that are agreed upon to be important (p. 126).However, egalitarian relations are not about sameness in small-scale societies, but rather about respect and appreciation of different skills offered by group ...