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  1. Chiúⁿ Kài-se̍k /. ChiúⁿTiong-chìng. Chiang Kai-shek (October 31, 1887 – Aprile 5, 1975) wis a 20t-century Cheenese poleetical an militar leader. He is kent as Jiang Jieshi (蔣介石) or Jiang Zhongzheng (蔣中正) in Mandarin Cheenese. Chiang wis an influential member o the Kuomintang (KMT), or Naitionalist Pairty, an wis a close ...

  2. Akina Nakamori (中森明菜. , Nakamori Akina, born on July 13, 1965) is a Japanese female pop sangster an actress. She wis ane o the maist popular sanger o the 1980s in Japan. [1] She is kent for her deep, powerful vyce. Discografie. Singles. 1 Mey 1982 Slow Motion (Joken Hansha) 28 Julie 1982 Shōjo A (Yume Handan)

    • Admeenistrative diveesions
    • Cultur
    • Freemit airtins

    Hwanghaebuk-do is dividit intae 3 ceeties ("si") an 19 coonties ("kun"). Three o these coonties (Chunghwa, Kangnam, an Sangwon) were addit tae the province in 2010 efter being split frae Pyongyang.

    Historic landmarks

    Hwanghaebuk-do is full o mony historical relics as the steid o the Koryo-dynasty caipital at Kaesong, a depository for mony famous historic relics. The province is an aw hame tae the tombs o mony o the Koryo monarchus, the maist famous being the tombs o kings Taejo an Kongmin, though others are spread throughoot Kaesong an Kaepung county. Kaesong an aw hooses the Koguryo-era Taehungsan Fortress, built tae protect the kinrick's caipital at Pyongyang an enclosin the famous Kwanum Temple. Nearbi...

    행정 구역 현황 (Haengjeong Guyeok Hyeonhwang) Archived 2006-01-09 at the Wayback Machine(in Korean only) Archived 2011-06-09 at the Wayback Machine
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