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  1. 兩屆美國聯盟 MVP 大谷翔平在 Instagram 上宣布,他將與洛杉磯道奇隊簽訂自由球員合約。 Reports say the deal will be for 10 years and a whopping $700 million shattering the record for the largest contract ever in Major League Baseball. 報導稱,這份合約為期 10 年,金額高達 7 億美元,打破了美國職棒大聯盟有史以來最大合約的記錄。

  2. 此影片沒有單字. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。 學這些英文用法:支持,道奇隊,遊戲,榮耀,隊友,全體,貝爾,經紀人,所有權,小姐,激情,教練,舉辦,作家,生涯,小組,幫助,熱情,妻子,工作,辦公室,給予,粉絲,職業,鼓勵,興趣,日本,項目,允許,介紹,家人,組織,參加,活動,機會,朋友,世界,認為...

  3. 水原一平週三被道奇隊解僱,此前有爆炸性報告稱他涉嫌與潛在的非法賭博計劃有關, including allegations that baseball's biggest star has been the victim of a massive theft. 包括指控棒球巨星成為大規模竊盜案的受害者。 The controversy stemming from a report in the LA Times that Otani's name came up during a federal investigation into an alleged illegal bookmaker Mathew Bowyer in California.

  4. teeth at all and the air is going to move continuously out of your mouth next. 牙齒,空氣就會不斷地從你的嘴裡流出。. we're going to add that short u sound to do this just open your mouth your tongue. 我們要加上簡短的 u 音,要做到這一點,只需張開嘴巴,伸出舌頭. is in the middle of your mouth and it's ...

  5. On October 21, 2012, he announced that he would pursue a career in Major League Baseball rather than turn professional in Japan. 大谷表示希望直接進入大聯盟高中畢業後,他收到了許多 MLB 球隊的邀請。. 2012 年 10 月 21 日,他宣佈將在美國職業棒球大聯盟發展,而不是在日本成為職業球員 ...

  6. 此影片沒有單字. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。 學這些英文用法:想要,看到.

  7. 一心想要找到青春之泉。 Don't be a fool Jackie, 別傻了,傑克。 the fountain will test you. 不老泉會考驗你. Was that really necessary? 真的有這個必要嗎? Gentleman, 先生們. the fountain is the prize. 不老泉就是獎品。 Mermaid waters that to be our path. 美人魚水域是我們的道路。 Steady as she goes. 穩穩當當地走。 What's your play Jack? 你要玩什麼,傑克? I thought I should give you a warning we're taking the ship.