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  1. 2022年12月16日 · Masturbation is the self-stimulation of the genitals to achieve sexual arousal and pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm (sexual climax). It is commonly done by touching, stroking, or...

  2. 2024年6月26日 · What Are Drug Interactions? When a medication works right, it boosts your health or helps you feel better. But a drug can bring on problems if it doesn't mix well with something else you put into...

  3. 2023年12月19日 · Men's Health Guide. Male Masturbation: 5 Things You Didn't Know. Medically Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, MS, DO on December 19, 2023. Written by R. Morgan Griffin. 1. Masturbation doesn't have the...

  4. 2022年11月26日 · Eat too many foods that are high in saturated fat and it can make it harder for your liver to do its job. Over time it may lead to inflammation, which in turn could cause scarring of the liver ...

  5. 2022年6月26日 · What do women want? For those who've ever pondered this question, here are 19 relationship secrets. They're based on the study of healthy, happy couples and our changing gender roles. Secret No. 1:...

  6. 2023年4月28日 · How Does Your Penis Change as You Age? Medically Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, DO on April 28, 2023. Written by Beth Axtell. 3 min read. Like everything in nature, your penis goes through a...

  7. 2022年7月3日 · Latest Health News. A Key Indicator of COVID Just Spiked in the Western U.S. COVID-19 cases have been on the rise nationwide this summer, and now wastewater monitoring data suggests a further ...

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