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  1. 抽屜收納箱 相關

  2. 什麼都能收乾淨!整齊生活怎能少了這款抽屜收納箱,幫你省錢換居家大空間,立即挑選! 拯救混亂的家!人氣推薦無印風收納箱、質感置物架、廚房衛浴掛架、旅行收納袋限時下殺,快搶購!


  1. Pandora's box. A pithos from Crete, c. 675 BC. Louvre. Pandora's box is an artifact in Greek mythology connected with the myth of Pandora in Hesiod 's c. 700 B.C. poem Works and Days. [1] Hesiod related that curiosity led her to open a container left in the care of her husband, thus releasing curses upon mankind.

  2. Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source connected to a Geiger counter are placed in a sealed box. As illustrated, the quantum description uses a superposition of an alive cat and one that has died. In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, of quantum superposition.

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