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  1. Player-Created Content - P2P Foundation. = a form of User-Generated Content, created by players in online games. Description. Axel Bruns: (first summarizing Greg Lane): "games are increasingly involving user co-production or co-creation.

  2. Card games, poker rounds, games of chance, bets, sports such as football, board games such as Monopoly, races, marathons, puzzles, Tetris, Rubik's Cube, Scrabble, sudoku, online games such as World of Warcraft, and Halo -- all are finite games. The game ends when someone wins. An infinite game, on the other hand, is played to keep the game going.

  3. Tit for tat is a highly effective strategy in game theory. See the Wikipedia Entry on Tit for Tat. Description. Based on the English saying meaning "equivalent retaliation" ("tit for tat"), an 'agent' using this strategy will initially cooperate, then respond in kind to a previous opponent's action.

  4. Gosub10 is a net label that celebrated its first release on 6 March 2009. It includes a streaming radio station and releases all source code of the individual tracks where possible, so that there is a possibility for users to remix source code.

  5. People focusing on development of P2PF Cyberinfrastructure James Burke skills: Kester skills:... skills: elf Pavlik skills: programming, sysadmin, networking ...

  6. With digital technologies enabling more people to engage in an array of online prosumption activities, one shared claim is particularly striking: the empowering and humanizing implications of prosumption will mark the end of human alienation.

  7. "Crabgrass is a software libre web application designed for social networking, group collaboration and network organizing. Our goal is to create communication tools that are tailored specifically to meet the needs of bottom up grassroots organizing.

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