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  1. 美國cpi指數開高 相關

  2. 申購摩根美國科技型基金享終身0手續費,扣款日自由選擇不受限,資金運用更靈活. 掌握美國科技投資機會,首選摩根美國科技型基金


  1. Michael H. Goldhaber is a writer and consultant living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. He originated the concept of the Attention Economy in the mid–eighties and has since worked to better understand what is at stake.

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    "Freicoin is a decentralized, distributed electronic currency designed to address the grievances of the 99% movement and correct the excesses of the 1%. Whereas inflationary currency like the U.S. Dollar or Euro are controlled by central bankers under rules that benefit the establishment, Freicoin would be completely decentralized and self-regulati...

    0% interest, forever Freicoin's parameters are carefully chosen to eliminate the basic interest component of investments, called the liquidity premium by economists. Usurious non-zero basic interest distorts the free market, incentivises poisonous greed, excess, and short-term thinking, and perpetuates a vicious cycle of boom/bust recessions. Susta...

    Why use Freicoin?

    "Demurrage currencies like Freicoin align incentives of bankers and financiers with the priorities of the working class, incentivising the wealthy through their own self-interest to invest in growth, jobs, and ventures with long-term thinking. An economy built on a demurrage currency as the essential foundation will also not fall victim to to the same usurious greed, excess, and short-term thinking that led to the 2008 crisis and financial collapse. Freicoin will continuously stimulate global...

    Based on Bitcoin

    "You've based it on Bitcoin technology. Is this a competitor to Bitcoin? Absolutely not! The two serve quite different purposes. The properties of Bitcoin make it analogous to precious commodities like gold or silver, and it will always function as a useful store of value. Freicoin, on the other hand, is meant to be used as a medium of exchange only, kept on hand just long enough to provide a cash-flow buffer. The demurrage fee encourages recipients of Freicoin to put their money to use as so...

    What is “Freicoin”, and how does it work, really?

    "Freicoin--literally “free money” in German--is based on the principles of economist Silvio Gesell's Natural Economic Order. Freicoin is an electronic currency managed through a self-regulating, distributed electronic network based on Bitcoin technology. The network enforces a continuously assessed 4.4% APR fee on all account holders. This fee acts as a tax on stagnant money, driving up the rate at which money flows through the economy and acting as an economic stimulus, and discouraging unpr...

    Interview conducted by BENSON SAMUEL: "JT: Apart from being involved in the ripple project and helping to spread the word, I proposed freicoin (not much technical value, but an economic improvement compared to bitcoin IMO). Mark is making most of the development for now, but I hope to help soon. Here’s a summary of my near future plans I’ll reuse (...

    More resources on freicoin: 1. 2. 3. 1. Mining your freecoin:

  2. Source. Article: A Pandemic of ‘Quantitative Sleazing’ is Behind the Global High Inflation that Threatens Your Money and Livelihood. An Essay on How Central Bank Purchases of Corporate Bonds at a Vast Scale has Changed the Nature of Monetary Systems - and what you can do about it. By Prof. Jem Bendell, 21st March 2022.