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  1. Chris Dew : "Aggregate energy efficiency is the “ratio of useful to potential physical work that can be extracted from materials.”. - “During the period from 1900 to 1980 in the United States, aggregate energy efficiency…steadily rose along with the development of the nation’s infrastructure, from 2.48 percent to 12.3 percent ...

  2. V2V (Volunteer-to-Volunteer) is an innovative volunteer network that fosters a global collaborative environment for volunteers. Description. Through the V2V network, people from around the world have the opportunity to share in their passion for volunteering.

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    1. Axel Bruns: Produsage, and, is an idea whose time has come. It builds on a simple, yet fundamental proposition: the proposition that to describe the creative, collaborative, and ad hoc engagement with content for which user-led spaces such as the Wikipedia act as examples, the term production is no longer accurate. This is true eve...

    Axel Bruns: "Our core principles of produsage, then: 1. Open Participation, Communal Evaluation: the community as a whole, if sufficiently large and varied, can contribute more than a closed team of producers, however qualified; 2. Fluid Heterarchy, Ad Hoc Meritocracy: produsers participate as is appropriate to their personal skills, interests, and...

    "Bruns produser differs from Toffler prosumer. Bruns acknowledges that the Internet embodiestechnosocial affordances that provide the means for a many-to-many,collaborative and communal production process, with the convergencebetween user and producer (Jenkins 2006). This differs from an ad-hocparticipation of consumers in altering the material pro...

    Interview by Henry Jenkins. URL = "HJ: So, let's start with the obvious question. What do you mean by Produsage? What are its defining traits? Why coin a new and somewhat awkward word to refer to this phenomenon? How does Produsage differ from traditional models of production? AB: I'd l...

    Bruns, A. (2008). The Future Is User-Led: The Path towards Widespread Produsage. Fibreculture Journal, 1. Retrieved from
    See also: Axel Bruns on Produsage
  3. 2010年5月2日 · Definition. "People’s organizations (POs), unlike NGOs, are established by and represent sectors of the population like small farmers, artisanal fisherfolk, slum dwellers and others. POs take a wide variety of forms and exist at various levels.

  4. 2021年10月14日 · Although particular spiritual events may involve only certain dimensions of our nature, all of them can potentially come into play in the act of spiritual knowing, from somatic transfiguration to the awakening of the heart, from erotic communion to visionary co-creation, and from contemplative knowing to moral insight, to mention only a few (see...

  5. 2010年2月1日 · Instead, we are looking for a simple and functional concept to spread mobility. Form follows function. Apart from that, OScar is not just a car. It is about new ways of mobility and the spreading of the Open Source idea in the real (physical) world.

  6. 2007年10月10日 · The Assurance Game is “a situation where neither player can provide a sufficient amount of the good if they contribute alone, thus for each player, if the other Defects then she should also Defect, but if the other Cooperates then she would prefer to Cooperate as well."

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