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  1. Unfortunately, Twain’s enthusiasm for creative spelling isn’t widely shared today, at least in the professional world. If you need a little help in the spelling department, but prefer the old school way of editing text, you can turn to Vim’s spelling support. Support for spell checking was added in Vim 7.

  2. 2009年6月22日 · ¬â€. The editor Vim supports Unicode natively. If your X or console keymap is set up to enter unicode characters via the keymap, it will work fine in Vim. Alternatively, there are two other ways of entering these characters. The slow way is just to use their hex code. Hit Ctrl+V, then u, then type the hex code.

  3. 2006年5月17日 · Moving around files can feel like a slog if you’re stuck with the basic movement keys, but editing is effortless when you have command of marks and jumps. Basically, a mark is a bookmark or placeholder that allows you to return to a spot in the file where you were editing.

    • Installation
    • Default Applications
    • Installing Windows
    • Making Vms A Bit More User-Friendly

    As I mentioned earlier, installing Robolinux is easy. Obviously, you must first download an ISOimage of the operating system. You have the choice of installing a Cinnamon, Mate, LXDE, or xfce desktop (I opted to go the Mate route). I will warn you, the developers do make a pretty heavy-handed plea for donations. I don’t fault them for this. Develop...

    The collection of default applications is impressive, but not overwhelming. You’ll find all the standard tools to get your work done, including: 1. LibreOffice 2. Atril Document Viewer 3. Backups 4. GNOME Disks 5. Medit text editor 6. Seahorse 7. GIMP 8. Shotwell 9. Simple Scan 10. Firefox 11. Pidgen 12. Thunderbird 13. Transmission 14. Brasero 15....

    This is what sets Robolinux apart from other Linux distributions. If you click on the desktop menu button, you see a Stealth VM entry. Within that sub-menu, a listing of the different Windows VMs that can be installed appears (Figure 2). Before you can install one of the VMs, you must first download the Stealth VM file. To do that, double-click on ...

    You may be thinking to yourself, “Creating a virtual machine for Windows is actually easier than that!”. Although you are correct with that sentiment, not everyone knows how to create a new VM with VirtualBox. In the time it took me to figure out how to work with the Robolinux Stealth VM, I could have had numerous VMs created in VirtualBox. Additio...

  4. 2014年9月18日 · systemd is controversial for several reasons: It’s a replacement for something that a lot of Linux users don’t think needs to be replaced, and the antics of the systemd developers have not won hearts and minds. But rather the opposite, as evidenced in this famous LKML thread where Linus Torvalds banned systemd dev Kay Sievers from the Linux kernel.

  5. 2013年1月17日 · You can use the good old ps command. This example lists the top 7 hogs, excluding your own processes: $ ps aux --sort=-%cpu | grep -m 8 -v `whoami` USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND. root 1558 4.1 1.6 193620 68532 tty8 Rs+ 07:05 16:10 /usr/bin/X . root 55 0.0 0.0 0 0 ?

  6. 2006年4月25日 · Admit that Windows is better that Linux? Cry? Resign? No, you’re going to install Mono and save the world! Mono is an open source project (sponsored by Novell) that allows you to run .Net applications on Linux (as well as Unix, Mac OS X, Solaris and even Windows).

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