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  1. If you can't share out tasks, you can't have people working independently, at their own pace and in their own way, which means the project isn't really open. If it isn't modular, you can't swap in some new elements while leaving everything else untouched, which

    • Introduction
    • Characteristics of Peer Production
    • Citations
    • Key Resources
    The Common as a Mode of Production. Towards a critique of the political economy of common goods. Carlo Vercellone.
    Christian Siefkes: Peer Producing Plenty in the Physical World
    Karim Lakhani on the Open Source Software communities Open Developmentprocess
    A Bibliography on Peer Production. Recommendations by James Boyle.
    Peer production carries with it many different fundamental innovations, that are starkly different from traditional business practice. Here are a number of these practices, contrasted with the prac...

    “Since evolutionary changes are not completely predictable, it is obvious that there is room in the world for what we call free will. Each individual decision to accept, resist, or change the current order alters the probability that a particular evolution outcome will occur. While the course of cultural evolution is never free from systemic influe...

    Key Articles

    1. Foundational Essay: "The Political Economy of Peer Production", Michel Bauwens's 2005 essay published in Ctheory 1. Update from 2009: Class and Capital in Peer Production. Michel Bauwens. Capital & Class Spring 2009 vol. 33 no. 1 121-141 1. Overview Essay: Prophets and Advocates of Peer Production. By George Dafermos. Chapter 7: The Handbook of Peer Production. Wiley, 2020 Important Details via: 1. Paul Hartzog on the Advantages of Scale of Openness and Peer Production 2. Dmytri Kleiner's...

    Key Books

    1. The Book of Peer Production.

    Key Video

    1. Charles Leadbeater on the Rise of the Amateur Professional

  2. 2019年1月10日 · 1. " [A]n open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to- use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments . . . It’s an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development ...

  3. 2012年1月7日 · AJ Fisher: The 5 requirements of the Sensor Commons. "I believe there are five critical requirements for getting a Sensor Commons project off the ground and making it a viable endeavour. A Sensor Commons project must: Gain trust. Become dispersible. Be highly visible.

  4. 2022年4月2日 · The P2P Foundation supports the aims of the Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance [2] , an initiative to foster sustainable sharing of open hardware and design. Therefore, this section will be: monitoring the progress towards a world of constant social innovation based on open designs;

  5. Automatic Character Switch Automating Environmental Interventions Automenta Autonet Autonomous Autonomous Systems - Internet Autonomous Tech Collectives Autonomous vs Systemic Innovation Axemaker's Gift Axiological Design

  6. Being Lean, WikiSpeed uses dramatically less resources to produce a car than your average manufacturer. While the latter uses a $100M CNC milling machine that would barely fit into our workshop room, WikiSpeed uses a $2.000 machine found in the average FabLab for 1/50.000th of the standard cost.