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  1. Introduction. Ethan Roland & Gregory Landua: "These eight forms of capital help us map our understanding of the world. The map clarifies that money is not the only form of capital flowing around and through us. This map expands the concepts of wealth (and poverty) to include the ‘valuable resources’ of personal connections, natural ...

  2. 2019年6月15日 · A peer-to-peer wiki is a serverless decentralized wiki, hosted, edited, administrated and operated on its users' computers on the Peer Net. Imagine git (or another DCVS [1]) but with asynchronous and real-time text editing, a p2p conflict management system, and a user-friendly interface. P2P Wikis redefine how we publish, edit, host and ...

  3. This is not as straightforward as it may seem. Eric Chaisson defines Free Energy Rate Density – indicated with the symbol Φm – as the amount of energy per second that flows through a certain mass (free energy is energy able to perform useful tasks; this means an energy differential exists that can be tapped). Chaisson next shows that there ...

  4. Chinese Translation of Political Economy of Peer Production. 对等生产(Peer Production)的政治经济学. 作者:Michael Bauwens,, Political Economy of Peer Production. Translator: Xiangjun KONG < >, Sponsor: Jan Van den Bergh < > for i-merge interactive ...

  5. Epidigital. Epidigital is a term that has gained traction in recent years as a means of articulating developments in contemporary culture, which has seen a move beyond the postdigital mode of the late 20th century. The term is defined by an artist, designer, and forefather of the Postdigital movement, Ryota Matsumoto in 2021.

  6. By Gijsbert Koren: "A tribe is a group of people, who are connected with each other through a leader and an idea. It’s in the nature of people to be part of a tribe. Thanks to the internet, geographical boundaries are no longer existing; creating the opportunity for tribes to flourish and grow. Artists and entrepreneurs, who are crowdfunding ...

  7. Glyphiti. by Andy Deck. Andy's Deck's Glyphiti is an artistic experiment in extending the reaches of public art. Converting the clandestine creativity of the graffiti artist into something more openly available, Deck developed a globally accessible drawing wall. Built of editable 'glyphs' - squares simultaneously reminiscent of hieroglyphics ...

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