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  1. 前十大持股


  2. 1 (雙語)花42買彩票,居然中了17億元大獎! 2 意不意外?你要的聽力精聽的正確操作都在這! 3 (雙語)這些城市拼了!為了留住大學生 送戶口送房子還送錢 4 易混單詞匯總: 在英語中最易混淆的17組詞語!

  3. 全球數字網絡早先面積癱瘓 Growing concern over widespread outages in the global digital network . . 全球數字網絡早先面積癱瘓. . Outage: a backbone switch failed . . . see technical news 由于主力交換機出問題而停機,詳情請看技術新聞。 I think it ' s just

  4. "主要有五個原因。 排汽總管背壓和流量" 英文翻譯: insufficient supply of fuel oil or bad combustibility; narrowed scavenging of air passage or scavenge fire; rapid change in load

  5. 例句與用法. The balcony juts out over the street . 那個陽臺伸出于街道上方。. The balconies of the houses look out on the plaza . 住家的陽臺都對著廣場。. She drew me onto the balcony . 她把我拉到陽臺。. Our garden is overlooked from the neighbour 's balcony . 從鄰居的陽臺居高臨下可以俯視我家的 ...

  6. 使急遽上升的英文翻譯,使急遽上升英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯使急遽上升,使急遽上升的英文單字,使急遽上升的英文,使急遽上升 meaning in English,使急遽上升怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  7. 例句與用法. Cheer up. the worst hasn't happened yet . 別灰心,最壞的事還未發生。. We happened to arrive there in the rainy season . 我們到時適值雨季。. He must soon know what has happened . 他肯定很快就會知道發生的事情?. Nothing happened to shake their opinion . 什么也不能改變他們的看法。.

  8. vi. 1.降落,降低,減弱。. 2.放下小艇;降下帆篷。. lower oneself 降低自己的身份。. lower [strike] one's [the] colours [flag] 屈服,投降;降低要求,退讓,讓步。. vi.,n. =lour. "court of court" 中文翻譯 : 上訴法院. "court and on-court facilities" 中文翻譯 : 場地和場地器材. "court of ...

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